On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 3:44 AM, Jesper Krogh <jes...@krogh.cc> wrote:
> Command to set "tuples_per_page" is:
> ALTER TABLE <tablename> set (tuples_per_page = X)
> where 1 <= X <= 32.

The tuples_per_page means *minimal* number of tuples in a page, right?
A page may contain more tuples when the size of tuples are small enough.
If so, I think the parameter name is confusable because it sounds
*restrict* the number of tuples per page like fillfactor.
"min_tuples_per_page" might be better for the name.

I didn't read previous discussions, but did we have consensus that "number
of tuples" is better than other units for the parameter? For example,
"threshold bytes" or "percentage in a page" also seems to be reasonable for me.

Itagaki Takahiro

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