Excerpts from Magnus Hagander's message of lun sep 20 12:49:28 -0400 2010:

> Committers can (and should! please test!) clone from git clone
> ssh://g...@gitmaster.postgresql.org/postgresql.git.
> Please do *NOT* commit or push anything to this repository yet though:
> The repo is there - all the scripts to manage it are *not*. So don't
> commit until I confirm that it is.
> But please clone and verify the stuff we have now.

I tried to follow the instructions on the Wiki but they didn't work.
The ones under the heading "Dependent Clone per Branch, Pushing and
Pulling From a Local Repository" that is.

What I find is that after doing the local clone for the branch, i.e.
  git clone postgresql REL9_0_STABLE
this clones only the "master" branch somehow, not the other branches; so
when I later run 
  git checkout REL9_0_STABLE
on that clone, it fails with this message:

$ git checkout REL9_0_STABLE
error: pathspec 'REL9_0_STABLE' did not match any file(s) known to git.

So I first need to checkout each branch on the "postgresql" clone (the
one tracking the remote), and then do the local clone.  So the
instructions are:


pushd postgresql/
for i in $branches; do git checkout $i; done

for i in $branches; do git clone postgresql $i --branch $i; done

and then set the config variables on each clone, as specified.

Álvaro Herrera <alvhe...@commandprompt.com>
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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