I've been thinking about these points, and reconsidered somewhat.

Heikki Linnakangas <heikki.linnakan...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:
> Should add a citation to Cahill's work this is based on.
> Preferably with a hyperlink.
I've been thinking that this should be mentioned in both the README
and the source code.
> A short description of how the predicate locks help to implement
> serializable mode would be nice too.  I haven't read Cahill's
> papers, and I'm left wondering what the RW conflicts and
> dependencies are, when you're supposed to grab predicate locks
> etc.
Again -- why be stingy?  Given a more complete README file, how
about something like?:
 * A rw-conflict occurs when a read by one serializable transaction
 * does not see the write of a concurrent serializable transaction
 * when that write would have been visible had the writing
 * transaction committed before the start of the reading
 * transaction. When the write occurs first, the read can detect
 * this conflict by examining the MVCC information.  When the read
 * occurs first, it must record this somewhere so that writes can
 * check for a conflict.  Predicate locks are used for this. 
 * Detection of such a conflict does not cause blocking, and does
 * not, in itself, cause a transaction rollback.
 * Transaction rollback is required when one transaction (called a
 * "pivot") has a rw-conflict *in* (a concurrent transaction
 * couldn't see its write) as well as *out* (it couldn't see the
 * write of another transaction).  In addition, the transaction on
 * the "out" side of the pivot must commit first, and if the
 * transaction on the "in" side of the pivot is read-only, it must
 * acquire its snapshot after the successful commit of the
 * transaction on the "out" side of the pivot.
Would something like that have helped?

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