
OK here is a test case:

create table test1 (t1a int);
create table test2 (t2a int);
create table test3 (t3a int);
SELECT x2.t2a
FROM ((test1 t1 LEFT JOIN test2 t2 ON (t1.t1a = t2.t2a)) AS x1
LEFT OUTER JOIN test3 t3 ON (x1.t2a = t3.t3a)) AS x2
WHERE x2.t2a = 1;

The select works under 7.2, but gives the following error in 7.3:

ERROR:  JOIN/ON clause refers to "x1", which is not part of JOIN


Tom Lane wrote:
> Barry Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>In testing Neil's PREPARE/EXECUTE patch on my test query, I found the 
>>parser complains that this query is not valid when using current 
>>sources.  The error I get is:
>>psql:testorig.sql:1: ERROR:  JOIN/ON clause refers to "xf2", which is 
>>not part of JOIN
> Hmm.  I have an open bug with sub-SELECTs inside a JOIN, but this
> example doesn't look like it would trigger that.
>>I think the sql is valid (at least it has worked in 7.1 and 7.2).  Is 
>>this a bug?
> Dunno.  Give me a test case (and no, I am *not* going to try to
> reverse-engineer table schemas from that SELECT).
>                       regards, tom lane

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