Robert Haas <> writes:
> Do we have a projected data for the next 9.0 wrap, and will it be
> beta5 or rc1?

No, and don't know ;-).  It won't be till after the 15th because
assorted people are on vacation.  Perhaps a reasonable plan is to
wrap on the 19th (week from Thursday), and to decide mid next week
whether we feel good about calling it rc1.

> How much should we worry about the remaining open items?

> I am inclined to say that all three of the items currently on the list
> need to be addressed in some way before we move forward... or at least
> the last two.

> * ExplainOnePlan handles snapshots differently than ProcessQuery
> * Backup procedure is wrong?
> * Walreceiver crashes in AIX

I don't think that now is an appropriate time to be messing with the
first item.  It is not a 9.0 regression --- the behavior has been that
way for years --- and it is not closely related to any changes we made
in 9.0.  If we'd discovered the issue after 9.0.0 release there would
have been absolutely no suggestion of back-patching a change.  Also,
it didn't seem to me that we had consensus on what to do about it,
so the thought of a hasty change scares me.

We do need to resolve the others.

                        regards, tom lane

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