On Fri, Apr 12, 2002 at 12:41:34AM -0400, Neil Conway wrote: > On Fri, 12 Apr 2002 12:58:01 +0900 > "Hiroshi Inoue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > Just a confirmation. > > Someone is working on PREPARE/EXECUTE ? > > What about Karel's work ?
Right question :-) > I am. My work is based on Karel's stuff -- at the moment I'm still > basically working on getting Karel's patch to play nicely with > current sources; once that's done I'll be addressing whatever > issues are stopping the code from getting into CVS. My patch (qcache) for PostgreSQL 7.0 is available at ftp://ftp2.zf.jcu.cz/users/zakkr/pg/. I very look forward to Neil's work on this. Notes: * It's experimental patch, but usable. All features below mentioned works. * PREPARE/EXECUTE is not only SQL statements, I think good idea is create something common and robus for query-plan caching, beacuse there is for example SPI too. The RI triggers are based on SPI_saveplan(). * My patch knows EXECUTE INTO feature: PREPARE foo AS SELECT * FROM pg_class WHERE relname ~~ $1 USING text; EXECUTE foo USING 'pg%'; <-- standard select EXECUTE foo INTO TEMP newtab USING 'pg%'; <-- select into * The patch allows store query-planns to shared memory and is possible EXECUTE it at more backends (over same DB) and planns are persistent across connetions. For this feature I create special memory context subsystem (like current aset.c, but it works with IPC shared memory). This is maybe too complex solution and (maybe) sufficient is cache query in one backend only. I know unbelief about this shared memory solution (Tom?). Karel My experimental patch README (excuse my English): Implementation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The qCache allows save queryTree and queryPlan. There is available are two space for data caching. LOCAL - data are cached in backend non-shared memory and data aren't available in other backends. SHARE - data are cached in backend shared memory and data are visible in all backends. Because size of share memory pool is limited and it is set during postmaster start up, the qCache must remove all old planns if pool is full. You can mark each entry as "REMOVEABLE" or "NOTREMOVEABLE". A removeable entry is removed if pool is full. A not-removeable entry must be removed via qCache_Remove() or the other routines. The qCache not remove this entry itself. All records in qCache are cached (in the hash table) under some key. The qCache knows two alternate of key --- "KEY_STRING" and "KEY_BINARY". The qCache API not allows access to shared memory, all cached planns that API returns are copy to CurrentMemoryContext. All (qCache_ ) routines lock shmem itself (exception is qCache_RemoveOldest_ShareRemoveAble()). - for locking is used spin lock. Memory management ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The qCache use for qCache's shared pool its memory context independent on standard aset/mcxt, but use compatible API --- it allows to use standard palloc() (it is very needful for basic plan-tree operations, an example for copyObject()). The qCache memory management is very simular to current aset.c code. It is chunk-ed blocks too, but the block is smaller - 1024b. The number of blocks is available set in postmaster 'argv' via option '-Z'. For plan storing is used separate MemoryContext for each plan, it is good idea (Hiroshi's ?), bucause create new context is simple and inexpensive and allows easy destroy (free) cached plan. This method is used in my SPI overhaul instead TopMemoryContext feeding. Postmaster ~~~~~~~~~~ The query cache memory is init during potmaster startup. The size of query cache pool is set via '-Z <number-of-blocks>' switch --- default is 100 blocks where 1 block = 1024b, it is sufficient for 20-30 cached planns. One query needs somewhere 3-10 blocks, for example query like PREPARE sel AS SELECT * FROM pg_class; needs 10Kb, because table pg_class has very much columns. Note: for development I add SQL function: "SELECT qcache_state();", this routine show usage of qCache. SPI ~~~ I a little overwrite SPI save plan method and remove TopMemoryContext "feeding". Standard SPI: SPI_saveplan() - save each plan to separate standard memory context. SPI_freeplan() - free plan. By key SPI: It is SPI interface for query cache and allows save planns to SHARED or LOCAL cache 'by' arbitrary key (string or binary). Routines: SPI_saveplan_bykey() - save plan to query cache SPI_freeplan_bykey() - remove plan from query cache SPI_fetchplan_bykey() - fetch plan saved in query cache SPI_execp_bykey() - execute (via SPI) plan saved in query cache - now, users can write functions that save planns to shared memory and planns are visible in all backend and are persistent arcoss connection. Example: ~~~~~~~ /* ---------- * Save/exec query from shared cache via string key * ---------- */ int keySize = 0; flag = SPI_BYKEY_SHARE | SPI_BYKEY_STRING; char *key = "my unique key"; res = SPI_execp_bykey(values, nulls, tcount, key, flag, keySize); if (res == SPI_ERROR_PLANNOTFOUND) { /* --- not plan in cache - must create it --- */ void *plan; plan = SPI_prepare(querystr, valnum, valtypes); SPI_saveplan_bykey(plan, key, keySize, flag); res = SPI_execute(plan, values, Nulls, tcount); } elog(NOTICE, "Processed: %d", SPI_processed); PREPARE/EXECUTE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Syntax: PREPARE <name> AS <query> [ USING type, ... typeN ] [ NOSHARE | SHARE | GLOBAL ] EXECUTE <name> [ INTO [ TEMPORARY | TEMP ] [ TABLE ] new_table ] [ USING val, ... valN ] [ NOSHARE | SHARE | GLOBAL ] DEALLOCATE PREPARE [ <name> [ NOSHARE | SHARE | GLOBAL ]] [ ALL | ALL INTERNAL ] I know that it is a little out of SQL92... (use CREATE/DROP PLAN instead this?) --- what mean SQL standard guru? * Where: NOSHARE --- cached in local backend query cache - not accessable from the others backends and not is persisten a across conection. SHARE --- cached in shared query cache and accessable from all backends which work over same database. GLOBAL --- cached in shared query cache and accessable from all backends and all databases. - default is 'SHARE' Deallocate: ALL --- deallocate all users's plans ALL INTERNAL --- deallocate all internal plans, like planns cached via SPI. It is needful if user alter/drop table ...etc. * Parameters: "USING" part in the prepare statement is for datetype setting for paremeters in the query. For example: PREPARE sel AS SELECT * FROM pg_class WHERE relname ~~ $1 USING text; EXECUTE sel USING 'pg%'; * Limitation: - prepare/execute allow use full statement of SELECT/INSERT/DELETE/ UPDATE. - possible is use union, subselects, limit, ofset, select-into Performance: ~~~~~~~~~~~ * the SPI - I for my tests a little change RI triggers to use SPI by_key API and save planns to shared qCache instead to internal RI hash table. The RI use very simple (for parsing) queries and qCache interest is not visible. It's better if backend very often startup and RI check always same tables. In this situation speed go up --- 10-12%. (This snapshot not include this RI change.) But all depend on how much complicate for parser is query in trigger. * PREPARE/EXECUTE - For tests I use query that not use some table (the executor is in boredom state), but is difficult for the parser. An example: SELECT 'a text ' || (10*10+(100^2))::text || ' next text ' || cast (date_part('year', timestamp 'now') AS text ); - (10000 * this query): standard select: 54 sec via prepare/execute: 4 sec (93% better) IMHO it is nod bad. - For standard query like: SELECT u.usename, r.relname FROM pg_class r, pg_user u WHERE r.relowner = u.usesysid; it is with PREPARE/EXECUTE 10-20% faster. -- Karel Zak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://home.zf.jcu.cz/~zakkr/ C, PostgreSQL, PHP, WWW, http://docs.linux.cz, http://mape.jcu.cz ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster