"Joshua D. Drake" <j...@commandprompt.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 2010-07-17 at 07:36 +1000, Brendan Jurd wrote:
>>  postgres=# SHOW ME THE MONEY;
>> WARNING: THE MONEY is deprecated in this version of Postgres and
>> may be discarded in a future version
>> HINT: Use SHOW ME THE NUMERIC with the desired precision instead.
> Funny, but no longer true:
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/datatype-money.html
> (although I wish we would get rid of the type)
I hadn't been aware it was ever deprecated.  It has the advantage
over numeric of using straight integer arithmetic for addition and
subtraction, which are by far the most common operations on money,
while allowing a decimal fraction without rounding problems.  I'd
been thinking about migrating our money columns to it (subject to
some benchmarking first, to see how much it actually helped).  It
would seem odd for a database to tout its ability to deal with such
data types as geometric shapes and global positioning, etc., which
then didn't have such a common type as money.  In my experience,
many business applications deal with money.

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