On Thu, 2010-07-15 at 17:38 +0200, Magnus Hagander wrote:

> > Looks like the last time this was discussed, there wasn't any clear
> > conclusion.  Someone created a patch and it's still on the TODO list:
> > http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-hackers/2010-01/msg01845.php
> That one is about:
> a) doing it in psql., not the backend
> b) not actually implementing the command, but implementing hints for
> the user telling them which is the correct command
> Is there an actual common use-case for having these commands available
> for *non-psql* interfaces?

Yes. We should provide a single, well described grammar for interacting
with objects in the database regardless of client. I should be able to
open ANY SQL terminal, and type SHOW ME THE MONEY and have Benjamins
fall out.

(O.k. I will take Euros too).


PostgreSQL.org Major Contributor
Command Prompt, Inc: http://www.commandprompt.com/ - 509.416.6579
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