This patch adds the capability for the coordinator to listen on sockets while waiting for imessages to arrive. Before the coordinator just slept until a signal arrives, notifying the coordinator about an internal message.

Major caveat here: I'm using pselect(), which might still not be portable enough. The work-around for platforms on which a signal doesn't interrupt select has been removed as well. I can't think of any way to support platforms as broken as that.
*** src/backend/postmaster/autovacuum.c	50ad2e93982867e91a47e8ca7af5f4be8b975d8f
--- src/backend/postmaster/autovacuum.c	ca02f9e08a1dbe34ff8049c0d51cc76594fb16a0
*************** static void launcher_determine_sleep(boo
*** 264,270 ****
  static void do_start_worker(Oid dboid);
  static Oid autovacuum_select_database(void);
  static void launcher_determine_sleep(bool can_launch, bool recursing,
! 									 struct timeval *nap);
  static void autovacuum_update_timing(Oid dbid, TimestampTz now);
  static List *get_database_list(void);
  static void rebuild_database_list(Oid newdb);
--- 264,270 ----
  static void do_start_worker(Oid dboid);
  static Oid autovacuum_select_database(void);
  static void launcher_determine_sleep(bool can_launch, bool recursing,
! 						 struct timespec *nap);
  static void autovacuum_update_timing(Oid dbid, TimestampTz now);
  static List *get_database_list(void);
  static void rebuild_database_list(Oid newdb);
*************** AutoVacLauncherMain(int argc, char *argv
*** 748,754 ****
  	for (;;)
  		TimestampTz		current_time;
! 		struct timeval	nap;
  		 * Emergency bailout if postmaster has died.  This is to avoid the
--- 748,758 ----
  	for (;;)
  		TimestampTz		current_time;
! 		struct timespec	nap;
! 		sigset_t		sigmask, oldmask;
! 		fd_set			socks;
! 		int				max_sock_id;
! 		bool			socket_ready;
  		 * Emergency bailout if postmaster has died.  This is to avoid the
*************** AutoVacLauncherMain(int argc, char *argv
*** 760,802 ****
  		can_launch = (AutoVacuumShmem->av_freeWorkers != NULL);
  		launcher_determine_sleep(can_launch, false, &nap);
  		/* Allow sinval catchup interrupts while sleeping */
! 		 * Sleep for a while according to schedule.
! 		 * On some platforms, signals won't interrupt the sleep.  To ensure we
! 		 * respond reasonably promptly when someone signals us, break down the
! 		 * sleep into 1-second increments, and check for interrupts after each
! 		 * nap.
! 		while (nap.tv_sec > 0 || nap.tv_usec > 0)
- 			uint32		sleeptime;
! 			if (nap.tv_sec > 0)
! 				sleeptime = 1000000;
! 				nap.tv_sec--;
! 			{
! 				sleeptime = nap.tv_usec;
! 				nap.tv_usec = 0;
! 			}
! 			pg_usleep(sleeptime);
  			 * Emergency bailout if postmaster has died.  This is to avoid the
  			 * necessity for manual cleanup of all postmaster children.
  			if (!PostmasterIsAlive(true))
- 			msg = IMessageCheck();
- 			if (got_SIGTERM || got_SIGHUP || got_SIGUSR2 || msg)
- 				break;
--- 764,834 ----
  		can_launch = (AutoVacuumShmem->av_freeWorkers != NULL);
  		launcher_determine_sleep(can_launch, false, &nap);
+ 		/* Initialize variables for listening on sockets */ 
+ 		FD_ZERO(&socks);
+ 		max_sock_id = 0;
+ 		socket_ready = false;
+ 		elog(DEBUG1, "Coordinator: listening...");
+ #endif
  		/* Allow sinval catchup interrupts while sleeping */
! 		 * Sleep for a while according to schedule - and possibly interrupted
! 		 * by messages from one of the sockets or by internal messages from
! 		 * background workers or normal backends.
! 		 * Using pselect here prevents the possible loss of a singnal in
! 		 * between the last check for imessages and following select call.
! 		 * However, it requires a newish platform that supports pselect.
! 		 *
! 		 * On some platforms, signals won't interrupt select. Postgres used
! 		 * to split the nap time into one second intervals to ensure to react
! 		 * reasonably promptly for autovacuum purposes. However, for
! 		 * Postgres-R this is not tolerable, so that mechanism has been
! 		 * removed.
! 		 *
! 		 * FIXME: to support these platforms or others that don't implement
! 		 *        pselect properly, another work-around like for example the
! 		 *        self-pipe trick needs to be implemented. On Windows, we
! 		 *        could implement pselect based on the current port's select
! 		 *        method.
! 		/* FIXME: indentation */
! 			sigemptyset(&sigmask);
! 			sigaddset(&sigmask, SIGINT);
! 			sigaddset(&sigmask, SIGHUP);
! 			sigaddset(&sigmask, SIGUSR2);
! 			sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigmask, &oldmask);
! 			sigemptyset(&sigmask);
! 			if (pselect(max_sock_id + 1, &socks, NULL, NULL, &nap,
! 						&sigmask) < 0)
! 				if (errno != EINTR)
! 				{
! 					elog(WARNING, "Coordinator: pselect failed: %m");
! 					socket_ready = true;
! 				}
! 				socket_ready = true;
+ 			sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oldmask, NULL);
  			 * Emergency bailout if postmaster has died.  This is to avoid the
  			 * necessity for manual cleanup of all postmaster children.
  			if (!PostmasterIsAlive(true))
*************** AutoVacLauncherMain(int argc, char *argv
*** 858,865 ****
  		/* handle pending imessages */
! 		while (msg != NULL)
  			msg = IMessageCheck();
--- 890,902 ----
+ 		/* handle sockets with pending reads, just a placeholder for now */
+ 		if (socket_ready)
+ 		{
+ 		}
  		/* handle pending imessages */
! 		while ((msg = IMessageCheck()) != NULL)
  			msg = IMessageCheck();
*************** static void
*** 1308,1314 ****
   * cause a long sleep, which will be interrupted when a worker exits.
  static void
! launcher_determine_sleep(bool can_launch, bool recursing, struct timeval *nap)
  	Dlelem	   *elem;
--- 1345,1351 ----
   * cause a long sleep, which will be interrupted when a worker exits.
  static void
! launcher_determine_sleep(bool can_launch, bool recursing, struct timespec *nap)
  	Dlelem	   *elem;
*************** launcher_determine_sleep(bool can_launch
*** 1321,1327 ****
  	if (!can_launch)
  		nap->tv_sec = autovacuum_naptime;
! 		nap->tv_usec = 0;
  	else if ((elem = DLGetTail(DatabaseList)) != NULL)
--- 1358,1364 ----
  	if (!can_launch)
  		nap->tv_sec = autovacuum_naptime;
! 		nap->tv_nsec = 0;
  	else if ((elem = DLGetTail(DatabaseList)) != NULL)
*************** launcher_determine_sleep(bool can_launch
*** 1335,1347 ****
  		TimestampDifference(current_time, next_wakeup, &secs, &usecs);
  		nap->tv_sec = secs;
! 		nap->tv_usec = usecs;
  		/* list is empty, sleep for whole autovacuum_naptime seconds  */
  		nap->tv_sec = autovacuum_naptime;
! 		nap->tv_usec = 0;
--- 1372,1384 ----
  		TimestampDifference(current_time, next_wakeup, &secs, &usecs);
  		nap->tv_sec = secs;
! 		nap->tv_nsec = usecs * 1000;
  		/* list is empty, sleep for whole autovacuum_naptime seconds  */
  		nap->tv_sec = autovacuum_naptime;
! 		nap->tv_nsec = 0;
*************** launcher_determine_sleep(bool can_launch
*** 1354,1360 ****
  	 * We only recurse once.  rebuild_database_list should always return times
  	 * in the future, but it seems best not to trust too much on that.
! 	if (nap->tv_sec == 0 && nap->tv_usec == 0 && !recursing)
  		launcher_determine_sleep(can_launch, true, nap);
--- 1391,1397 ----
  	 * We only recurse once.  rebuild_database_list should always return times
  	 * in the future, but it seems best not to trust too much on that.
! 	if (nap->tv_sec == 0 && nap->tv_nsec == 0 && !recursing)
  		launcher_determine_sleep(can_launch, true, nap);
*************** launcher_determine_sleep(bool can_launch
*** 1362,1371 ****
  	/* The smallest time we'll allow the launcher to sleep. */
! 	if (nap->tv_sec <= 0 && nap->tv_usec <= MIN_AUTOVAC_SLEEPTIME * 1000)
  		nap->tv_sec = 0;
! 		nap->tv_usec = MIN_AUTOVAC_SLEEPTIME * 1000;
--- 1399,1408 ----
  	/* The smallest time we'll allow the launcher to sleep. */
! 	if (nap->tv_sec <= 0 && nap->tv_nsec <= MIN_AUTOVAC_SLEEPTIME * 1000000)
  		nap->tv_sec = 0;
! 		nap->tv_nsec = MIN_AUTOVAC_SLEEPTIME * 1000000;
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