On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:

> > Chris,
> >
> > You seem to have forgotten to update keywords.c.
> OK - works perfectly now :)
> Now I'm going to play with making the SYMMERIC and ASYMMETRIC keywords less
> reserved...
> Can someone comment on my use of %prec BETWEEN?  Is that still correct now
> that we have the extra BETWEEN forms?

Yes. Have a look at the precedence table near the top of gram.y:

%left       UNION EXCEPT
%left       INTERSECT
%left       OR
%left       AND
%right      NOT
%right      '='
%nonassoc   '<' '>'
%nonassoc   LIKE ILIKE
%nonassoc   ESCAPE
%nonassoc   OVERLAPS
%nonassoc   BETWEEN
%nonassoc   IN
%left       POSTFIXOP       /* dummy for postfix Op rules */


This is the order of precedence for rules which contain these
operators. For example, if an expression contains:

a AND b AND c

it is evaluated as:

((a AND b) AND c)

On the other hand:

a OR b AND c

is evaluated as:

((a OR b) AND c)

since OR has a lower order of precedence. Now, consider:

select 2 between asymmetric 3 and 1

Without the %prec BETWEEN

3 and 1

is given precedence over between. This will break your code.


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