The PostgreSQL 9.1 Development Plan:
calls for a ReviewFest to run from the 15th of June (tomorrow) until
the start of the first CommitFest for the 9.1 release.  The idea is
that those with time available to contribute beyond what they can
usefully contribute to getting 9.0 released can help provide
feedback on patches submitted so far, to lighten the load of the CF
proper when it starts.  I have agreed to manage this RF.
Of course, we also need reviewers.  I do want to emphasize that we
*don't* want this process to impact the release of 9.0; it is in the
best interest of everyone that 9.0 is tested, stable, and released
as soon as practicable.  Please think hard about whether there is
some testing or review you could do to facilitate the 9.0 release
effort, and only participate in this RF to the extent that it
doesn't detract from the other effort.
Also, in testing these patches, be alert to any problems in the
*before* version -- you may find 9.0 issues in the process of
attempting to test these patches, and such issues, if found, should
take priority.  If you find a possible 9.0 issue, please set aside
efforts to review the patch until you have pursued the preexisting
This is essentially being treated as an early start on the 2010-07
CF, so that is where the process will be managed:
Note that we don't expect any commits for these patches to happen
until after the 9.0 stable branch is created and committers are done
with their 9.0 release efforts, most likely some time after the
2010-07 CF is officially in progress.  Also, we probably won't be
bumping many patches to "returned with feedback" status during the
RF; the apparent work required would need to be more than could
reasonably be expected to be completed for the CF.
Before signing up, please review these pages, to get an idea what's
On the lighter side:
Please send me an email (without copying the list) if you are
available to review; feel free to include any information that might
be helpful in assigning you an appropriate patch.

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