"Christopher Kings-Lynne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> You know there is a way to do this and not break client compatibility.
> Rename the current pg_attribute relation to pg_baseatt or something.  Fix
> all references to it in the code.  Create a system view called pg_attribute
> which is SELECT * (except attisdropped) FROM pg_baseattr WHERE NOT
> attisdropped.

Wasn't your original concern that the attnums wouldn't be consecutive?
How is this view going to hide that?

> Logical vs. physical column numbers would still be quite handy tho.

But confusing as all hell, at *all* levels of the code ... I've thought
about that quite a bit, and I can't see that we could expect to make it
work without a lot of hard-to-find bugs.  Too many places where it's
not instantly obvious which set of numbers you should be using.

                        regards, tom lane

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