> I am brazilian and work with o database PostGreSql 7.1.3.

Bom dia!

> I am upgrade PostGreSql 7.1.3 to 7.2.1 and find some bugs
> insert dataype time . <snip>

lockhart=# select time '030000';
ERROR:  Bad time external representation '030000'

> This is a bug or new pattern ?
> The manuals show that it is possible insert with the format hhmmss.

Hmm. It certainly does not now work; I'm not sure exactly when it
changed. What *does* work at the moment is an ISO-8601 representation:

lockhart=# select time 't030000';

which is not of course exactly what you want. I'll look at
re-introducing the capability for time fields. Sorry for the

If you are building PostgreSQL from source, you might have time to put
your test case into the pgsql/src/test/regress/sql/time.sql test file to
make sure it gets covered in future releases. Send a patch to the list
or to me directly and we'll include it.


                    - Thomas

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