Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> PUBLIC can be made less reserved easily.  See patch below.

Well, we could do that, but this patch seems an ugly way to do it;
we have too many classifications of keywords already, and I don't
want to introduce another one.

I'd be inclined to make PUBLIC not a keyword at all, and instead have
the production grantee -> ColId do this in its action:

        if (strcmp($1, "public") == 0)
                create PUBLIC PrivGrantee node
                create normal PrivGrantee node

An objection to this is that you couldn't make a user named "public"
(with the quotes), since PUBLIC and "public" would look the same to
the action ... but that seems like a good restriction anyway.  I'd
be quite willing to tweak CREATE USER to forbid that name.

I suppose it's a judgment call which is uglier.  Thoughts?

                        regards, tom lane

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