Simon Riggs <> writes:
> On Mon, 2010-04-26 at 15:40 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
>> The current definition of Hot Standby is that it's a *read only*
>> behavior.  Not read mostly.  What you are proposing is a rather
>> fundamental change in the behavior of HS, and it doesn't seem to me
>> that it should be on the head of anybody else to make it work.

> That's a dangerous precedent you just set.

[ shrug... ]  If you have near-term solutions for all the *other*
problems that would be involved (like what XID to put into rows you
insert in the temp tables) then I might think that what you're asking
Robert to do is reasonable.  Personally I think non-read-only HS is
entirely pie in the sky, and therefore it's not reasonable to saddle
unrelated development tasks with an expectation that they should work
with a behavior that probably won't ever happen.

                        regards, tom lane

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