Since I'm about to have to edit pg_proc.h to add a namespace column,
I thought this would be a good time to revise the current proiscachable
column into the three-way cachability distinction we've discussed
before.  But I need some names for the values, and I'm not satisfied
with the ideas I've had so far.

To refresh people's memory: what we want is to be able to distinguish
between functions that are:

1. Strictly cachable (a/k/a constant-foldable): given fixed input
values, the same result value will always be produced, for ever and
ever, amen.  Examples: addition operator, sin(x).  Given a call
of such a function with all-constant input values, the system is
entitled to fold the function call to a constant on sight.

2. Cachable within a single command: given fixed input values, the
result will not change if the function were to be repeatedly evaluated
within a single SQL command; but the result could change over time.
Examples: now(); datetime-related operations that depend on the current
timezone (or other SET-able variables); any function that looks in
database tables to determine its result.

3. Totally non-cachable: result may change from one call to the next,
even within a single SQL command.  Examples: nextval(), random(),
timeofday().  (Yes, timeofday() and now() are in different categories.

Currently the system can only distinguish cases 1 and 3, so functions
that are really case 2 have to be labeled as case 3; this prevents a lot
of useful optimizations.  In particular, it is safe to use expressions
involving only case-1 and case-2 functions as indexscan conditions,
whereas case-3 functions cannot be optimized into an indexscan.  So this
is an important fix to make.

BTW, because of MVCC semantics, case 2 covers more ground than you might
think.  We are interested in functions whose values cannot change during
a single "scan", ie, while the intra-transaction command counter does
not increment.  So functions that do SELECTs are actually guaranteed to
be case 2, even if stuff outside the function is changing the table
being looked at.

My problem is picking names for the three categories of functions.
Currently we use "with (isCachable)" to identify category 1, but it
seems like this name might actually be more sensible for category 2.
I'm having a hard time picking simple names that convey these meanings
accurately, or even with a reasonable amount of suggestiveness.

Comments, ideas?

                        regards, tom lane

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