Hello Please find my project proposal at the following link: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B4sVSOdX9RZKNjI1MDZlNDgtZGU0MS00NDE4LThiZDItMjZhMGZkYjUzMWEx&hl=en
I would be glad to have your review/feedback on the same. -- Regards Dhiraj Lohiya
Hello Please find my project proposal at the following link: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B4sVSOdX9RZKNjI1MDZlNDgtZGU0MS00NDE4LThiZDItMjZhMGZkYjUzMWEx&hl=en
I would be glad to have your review/feedback on the same. -- Regards Dhiraj Lohiya