Simon Riggs wrote:
> I have these things on my list
> * Minor page xid bug fix
> * btree delete standby-side derivation of xid
> * review of StartupXLog issue, on open items list, has an effect on HS
> I expect to be finished with those by Wed, perhaps Thurs.

Don't forget the "start from shutdown checkpoint" issue.

> * There should be a default for "trigger_file" so that you can failover
> a server even if this has not been specified.

I disagree. In many cases, you never want to failover the standby, and
having a default would just get in your way.

> To me the open items look like at least 2 weeks work on SR, given some
> of them will likely need discussion rather than just action.

Yeah, I've unfortunately had very little to no time at all on SR
recently. I must reserve some full days for that again...

  Heikki Linnakangas

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