Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
Then again, if you don't use the copy in shared memory but just open the
pg_control file and read it in the UDF, you could implement this as a
pgfoundry module that works with older versions too.

This is the direction I'd prefer to see this go in a 9.0 context. It's easy enough to build a fully functional version that lives works via the same proposed final UDF interface, just with the extra step of reading the file. Get that working, and you just added a useful module supporting all the way back to 8.2 (I think--not sure if there's been any other changes that would break this) that people would love to have. Once it's done, the UI is solid, all the data is known to be exposed in the right way it turns out people wanted it to be, then do the simple conversion it to grab from shared memory instead and add it as an official 9.1 feature. I'm not feeling any pressure that this is a must-fix item for the 9.0 release freeze--as warts here go, this is a both a small one and one that doesn't have to be fixed in core, so two strikes against it being critical.

I would rather have the ability to tweak on this for a few months to get everything right, while being able to expose regular updates outside of core, than to commit "this is the best we've got so far" just under the wire for 9.0 without necessarily enough time to do it well. The few messages that have shown up here already have made left me with the optinion that just getting the requirements and preferred implementation nailed down here is going to take a few rounds of development to work out to everyone's satisfaction.

Greg Smith  2ndQuadrant US  Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support
g...@2ndquadrant.com   www.2ndQuadrant.us

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