Le 27 févr. 2010 à 17:57, Tom Lane a écrit :

> =?iso-8859-1?Q?R=E9mi_Zara?= <remi_z...@mac.com> writes:
>> Le 26 févr. 2010 à 17:11, Tom Lane a écrit :
>>> Hmm.  So what do you get from
>>> SELECT 'nan'::numeric::float8;
>> regression=# select 'nan'::numeric::float8;
>>  float8  
>> ----------
>> Infinity
>> (1 row)
>> So it is indeed the same behavior.
> Yeah.  So what it boils down to is that the platform has a NAN constant
> but casting it to double produces the wrong thing.  There's no doubt
> that that's a bug in the floating-point support.  You did say you'd
> submitted it to the NetBSD folk right?

I submitted it.

> BTW, what about the float4 case, 'nan'::numeric::float4 ?

That works OK.

>> Maybe that should be added to the regression tests.
> Perhaps.  A lot of this stuff was never stress-tested in the past
> because when it was put in, it was a crap shoot whether NaN (or Inf)
> really worked on most platforms.  Our attitude was "if it works for you,
> great, but we're not going to sweat about it if it doesn't".  I'm not
> sure whether full IEEE float support has gotten sufficiently universal
> to justify expecting more.  I guess we could try it and see how many
> other buildfarm members fail.
>> So what's the best way to workaround the bug in NetBSD/mips ?
> I don't think it's our bug to fix.

It would mean retiring pika until/if the bug is fixed... :-(


Rémi Zara
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