> To be a bit more concrete: the typical sort of failure that you could
> get from broken btree operators is failure of transitivity, that is
> the comparators report A < B and B < C for some A, B, C, but do not say
> that A < C when those two values are compared directly.  I don't see any
> convenient way to detect that as a byproduct of normal index operations,
> because you wouldn't typically have a reason to make all three
> comparisons in close proximity.  Indeed, the searching and sorting
> algorithms do their best to avoid making "redundant" comparisons of that
> kind.

This is interesting Tom, but i am unable to understand, why it won't affect
the current indexes. While insertion it might get inserted in a block and
offset, and while searching it might either return no results / show a wrong
place. Because ordering is required for searching also right? I definitely
feel, i am missing something here.


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