> > I notice that the compile-time locale settings are registered in that
> > same structure. And that they depend on NAMEDATALEN,
> They do?  That would be fairly broken if so; sizeof(ControlFileData)
> has to be independent of configurable settings, else you'll not get as
> far as inspecting any of its contents (because the CRC check will fail
> if computed over the wrong number of bytes).  But it looks to me like
> LOCALE_NAME_BUFLEN is hardwired at 128.

Ah. I should have looked before sending the mail; I was working on this
several days ago...

> Putting NAMEDATALEN into the struct does seem like a good idea, and
> perhaps FUNC_MAX_ARGS as well, since the system catalogs will be
> unreadable if these numbers are wrong.  I think it's just an oversight
> that we didn't put these values in pg_control to start with.


> Don't forget to bump PG_CONTROL_VERSION.

I'd like to change this to the yyyymmddN format used in the catalog
version number (it is currently an integer set to ~71). It should make
it much easier to guess at code vintages from problem reports (if
nothing else), right?

                      - Thomas

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