Jan Wieck wrote:
> mlw wrote:
> > [...]
> >
> > IMHO modifying the function manager to allow the return of a full row, and a
> > "set of" full rows, answers a LOT of issues I have seen over the years with
> > PostgreSQL extensibility.
>     Sure.  Actually I think you'll have an easy project with this
>     one, because all the work has been done by Tom already.
>     The function manager isn't the problem any more. It  is  that
>     you  cannot  have such a "set of" function in the rangetable.
>     So you have no mechanism to USE the result.

I'm not sure I follow you. OK, maybe I identified the wrong portion of code. 

The idea is that the first return value could return an array of varlenas, one
for each column, then a set of varlenas, one for each column.

Is there a way to return this to PostgreSQL?

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