Simon Riggs wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-02-11 at 16:22 +0200, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
>> Simon Riggs wrote:
>>> Might it not be simpler to add a parameter onto pg_standby?
>>> We send %s to tell pg_standby the standby_mode of the server which is
>>> calling it so it can decide how to act in each case.
>> That would work too, but it doesn't seem any simpler to me. On the contrary.
> It would mean that pg_standby would act appropriately according to the
> setting of standby_mode. So you wouldn't need multiple examples of use,
> it would all just work whatever the setting of standby_mode. Nice simple
> entry in the docs.
> We've said we need a script and pg_standby is it. Having a second
> script, pg_standby2, rather than adding something to the existing tools
> just seems confusing and easier to get wrong.
> I'm happy to do the patch if you like.

Well, doesn't really seem that useful to me, but I won't object if you
want to do it.

  Heikki Linnakangas

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