Michael Meskes írta:
> On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 11:09:34AM +0100, Boszormenyi Zoltan wrote:
>> After I sent it and reread my mail, I realized that my fix
>> wouldn't be enough because of the above: ECPG uses sprintf()
>> for float and double, and just like in the backend, a common
>> code to send "NaN" and +/- "Infinity" to the server is needed.
>> New patch is attached.
> Does it work for you? I get regression test failures. Haven't looked into the
> function yet though.

Arggg. I didn't update the regression test's stderr.
Actually, I didn't do "make install" before running "make check"
and the target directory had the libraries with my previous changeset.
The diff you quoted reflects the last change. Result of
    double d; /* contains NaN or +/- INF */
    printf("%lf", d);
is platform-dependent, the new string is
"fixed" across all platforms.

Here's the new patch with the updated regression test.

Best regards,
Zoltán Böszörményi

Bible has answers for everything. Proof:
"But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more
than these cometh of evil." (Matthew 5:37) - basics of digital technology.
"May your kingdom come" - superficial description of plate tectonics

Zoltán Böszörményi
Cybertec Schönig & Schönig GmbH

diff -dcrpN pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/ecpglib/data.c pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/ecpglib/data.c
*** pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/ecpglib/data.c	2010-01-01 14:11:38.000000000 +0100
--- pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/ecpglib/data.c	2010-02-02 15:22:01.000000000 +0100
*** 5,10 ****
--- 5,11 ----
  #include <stdlib.h>
  #include <string.h>
+ #include <math.h>
  #include "ecpgtype.h"
  #include "ecpglib.h"
*************** garbage_left(enum ARRAY_TYPE isarray, ch
*** 38,43 ****
--- 39,96 ----
  	return false;
+ /* stolen code from src/backend/utils/adt/float.c */
+ #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(NAN)
+ static const uint32 nan[2] = {0xffffffff, 0x7fffffff};
+ #define NAN (*(const double *) nan)
+ #endif
+ static double
+ get_float8_infinity(void)
+ {
+ #ifdef INFINITY
+ 	return (double) INFINITY;
+ #else
+ 	return (double) (HUGE_VAL * HUGE_VAL);
+ #endif
+ }
+ static double
+ get_float8_nan(void)
+ {
+ #ifdef NAN
+ 	return (double) NAN;  
+ #else
+ 	return (double) (0.0 / 0.0);
+ #endif
+ }
+ static bool
+ check_special_value(char *ptr, double *retval, char **endptr)
+ {
+ 	if (!pg_strncasecmp(ptr, "NaN", 3))
+ 	{
+ 		*retval = get_float8_nan();
+ 		*endptr = ptr + 3;
+ 		return true;
+ 	}
+ 	else if (!pg_strncasecmp(ptr, "Infinity", 8))
+ 	{
+ 		*retval = get_float8_infinity();
+ 		*endptr = ptr + 8;
+ 		return true;
+ 	}
+ 	else if (!pg_strncasecmp(ptr, "-Infinity", 9))
+ 	{
+ 		*retval = -get_float8_infinity();
+ 		*endptr = ptr + 9;
+ 		return true;
+ 	}
+ 	return false;
+ }
  ecpg_get_data(const PGresult *results, int act_tuple, int act_field, int lineno,
  			  enum ECPGttype type, enum ECPGttype ind_type,
*************** ecpg_get_data(const PGresult *results, i
*** 300,307 ****
  				case ECPGt_float:
  				case ECPGt_double:
  					if (isarray && *pval == '"')
! 						dres = strtod(pval + 1, &scan_length);
! 					else
  						dres = strtod(pval, &scan_length);
  					if (isarray && *scan_length == '"')
--- 353,361 ----
  				case ECPGt_float:
  				case ECPGt_double:
  					if (isarray && *pval == '"')
! 						pval++;
! 					if (!check_special_value(pval, &dres, &scan_length))
  						dres = strtod(pval, &scan_length);
  					if (isarray && *scan_length == '"')
diff -dcrpN pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/ecpglib/execute.c pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/ecpglib/execute.c
*** pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/ecpglib/execute.c	2010-01-29 17:21:42.000000000 +0100
--- pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/ecpglib/execute.c	2010-02-02 15:22:01.000000000 +0100
*** 17,22 ****
--- 17,23 ----
  #include "postgres_fe.h"
  #include <locale.h>
+ #include <math.h>
  #include "pg_type.h"
*************** ecpg_store_result(const PGresult *result
*** 463,468 ****
--- 464,501 ----
  	return status;
+ static void
+ sprintf_double_value(char *ptr, double value, const char *delim)
+ {
+ 	if (isinf(value))
+ 	{
+ 		if (value < 0)
+ 			sprintf(ptr, "%s%s", "-Infinity", delim);
+ 		else
+ 			sprintf(ptr, "%s%s", "Infinity", delim);
+ 	}
+ 	else if (isnan(value))
+ 		sprintf(ptr, "%s%s", "NaN", delim);
+ 	else
+ 		sprintf(ptr, "%.14g%s", value, delim);
+ }
+ static void
+ sprintf_float_value(char *ptr, float value, const char *delim)
+ {
+ 	if (isinf(value))
+ 	{
+ 		if (value < 0)
+ 			sprintf(ptr, "%s%s", "-Infinity", delim);
+ 		else
+ 			sprintf(ptr, "%s%s", "Infinity", delim);
+ 	}
+ 	else if (isnan(value))
+ 		sprintf(ptr, "%s%s", "NaN", delim);
+ 	else
+ 		sprintf(ptr, "%.14g%s", value, delim);
+ }
  ecpg_store_input(const int lineno, const bool force_indicator, const struct variable * var,
  				 char **tobeinserted_p, bool quote)
*************** ecpg_store_input(const int lineno, const
*** 693,704 ****
  					strcpy(mallocedval, "array [");
  					for (element = 0; element < asize; element++)
! 						sprintf(mallocedval + strlen(mallocedval), "%.14g,", ((float *) var->value)[element]);
  					strcpy(mallocedval + strlen(mallocedval) - 1, "]");
! 					sprintf(mallocedval, "%.14g", *((float *) var->value));
  				*tobeinserted_p = mallocedval;
--- 726,737 ----
  					strcpy(mallocedval, "array [");
  					for (element = 0; element < asize; element++)
! 						sprintf_float_value(mallocedval + strlen(mallocedval), ((float *) var->value)[element], ",");
  					strcpy(mallocedval + strlen(mallocedval) - 1, "]");
! 					sprintf_float_value(mallocedval, *((float *) var->value), "");
  				*tobeinserted_p = mallocedval;
*************** ecpg_store_input(const int lineno, const
*** 712,723 ****
  					strcpy(mallocedval, "array [");
  					for (element = 0; element < asize; element++)
! 						sprintf(mallocedval + strlen(mallocedval), "%.14g,", ((double *) var->value)[element]);
  					strcpy(mallocedval + strlen(mallocedval) - 1, "]");
! 					sprintf(mallocedval, "%.14g", *((double *) var->value));
  				*tobeinserted_p = mallocedval;
--- 745,756 ----
  					strcpy(mallocedval, "array [");
  					for (element = 0; element < asize; element++)
! 						sprintf_double_value(mallocedval + strlen(mallocedval), ((double *) var->value)[element], ",");
  					strcpy(mallocedval + strlen(mallocedval) - 1, "]");
! 					sprintf_double_value(mallocedval, *((double *) var->value), "");
  				*tobeinserted_p = mallocedval;
diff -dcrpN pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/ecpglib/misc.c pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/ecpglib/misc.c
*** pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/ecpglib/misc.c	2010-01-26 10:09:40.000000000 +0100
--- pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/ecpglib/misc.c	2010-02-02 15:22:01.000000000 +0100
*************** ECPGset_noind_null(enum ECPGttype type, 
*** 344,354 ****
  		case ECPGt_decimal:
  			memset((char *) ptr, 0, sizeof(decimal));
! 			((decimal *) ptr)->sign = NUMERIC_NAN;
  		case ECPGt_numeric:
  			memset((char *) ptr, 0, sizeof(numeric));
! 			((numeric *) ptr)->sign = NUMERIC_NAN;
  		case ECPGt_interval:
  			memset((char *) ptr, 0xff, sizeof(interval));
--- 344,354 ----
  		case ECPGt_decimal:
  			memset((char *) ptr, 0, sizeof(decimal));
! 			((decimal *) ptr)->sign = NUMERIC_NULL;
  		case ECPGt_numeric:
  			memset((char *) ptr, 0, sizeof(numeric));
! 			((numeric *) ptr)->sign = NUMERIC_NULL;
  		case ECPGt_interval:
  			memset((char *) ptr, 0xff, sizeof(interval));
*************** ECPGis_noind_null(enum ECPGttype type, v
*** 416,426 ****
  				return true;
  		case ECPGt_decimal:
! 			if (((decimal *) ptr)->sign == NUMERIC_NAN)
  				return true;
  		case ECPGt_numeric:
! 			if (((numeric *) ptr)->sign == NUMERIC_NAN)
  				return true;
  		case ECPGt_interval:
--- 416,426 ----
  				return true;
  		case ECPGt_decimal:
! 			if (((decimal *) ptr)->sign == NUMERIC_NULL)
  				return true;
  		case ECPGt_numeric:
! 			if (((numeric *) ptr)->sign == NUMERIC_NULL)
  				return true;
  		case ECPGt_interval:
diff -dcrpN pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/include/pgtypes_numeric.h pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/include/pgtypes_numeric.h
*** pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/include/pgtypes_numeric.h	2010-01-06 08:43:28.000000000 +0100
--- pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/include/pgtypes_numeric.h	2010-02-02 15:22:01.000000000 +0100
*** 4,9 ****
--- 4,10 ----
  #define NUMERIC_POS						0x0000
  #define NUMERIC_NEG						0x4000
  #define NUMERIC_NAN						0xC000
+ #define NUMERIC_NULL						0xF000
  #define NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION			1000
diff -dcrpN pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/pgtypeslib/numeric.c pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/pgtypeslib/numeric.c
*** pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/pgtypeslib/numeric.c	2009-09-03 12:25:47.000000000 +0200
--- pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/pgtypeslib/numeric.c	2010-02-02 15:22:01.000000000 +0100
*************** set_var_from_str(char *str, char **ptr, 
*** 173,178 ****
--- 173,197 ----
+ 	if (pg_strncasecmp(*ptr, "NaN", 3) == 0)
+ 	{
+ 		*ptr += 3;
+ 		dest->sign = NUMERIC_NAN;
+ 		/* Should be nothing left but spaces */
+ 		while (*(*ptr))
+ 		{
+ 			if (!isspace((unsigned char) *(*ptr)))
+ 			{
+ 				return -1;
+ 			}
+ 			(*ptr)++;
+ 		}
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
  	if (alloc_var(dest, strlen((*ptr))) < 0)
  		return -1;
  	dest->weight = -1;
*************** get_str_from_var(numeric *var, int dscal
*** 296,301 ****
--- 315,329 ----
  	int			i;
  	int			d;
+ 	if (var->sign == NUMERIC_NAN)
+ 	{
+ 		str = (char *) pgtypes_alloc(4);
+ 		if (str == NULL)
+ 			return NULL;
+ 		sprintf(str, "NaN");
+ 		return str;
+ 	}
  	 * Check if we must round up before printing the value and do so.
diff -dcrpN pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/ecpg_schedule pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/ecpg_schedule
*** pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/ecpg_schedule	2010-01-26 10:09:40.000000000 +0100
--- pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/ecpg_schedule	2010-02-02 15:22:01.000000000 +0100
*************** test: pgtypeslib/dt_test
*** 15,20 ****
--- 15,21 ----
  test: pgtypeslib/dt_test2
  test: pgtypeslib/num_test
  test: pgtypeslib/num_test2
+ test: pgtypeslib/nan_test
  test: preproc/array_of_struct
  test: preproc/autoprep
  test: preproc/comment
diff -dcrpN pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/ecpg_schedule_tcp pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/ecpg_schedule_tcp
*** pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/ecpg_schedule_tcp	2010-01-26 10:09:40.000000000 +0100
--- pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/ecpg_schedule_tcp	2010-02-02 15:22:01.000000000 +0100
*************** test: pgtypeslib/dt_test
*** 15,20 ****
--- 15,21 ----
  test: pgtypeslib/dt_test2
  test: pgtypeslib/num_test
  test: pgtypeslib/num_test2
+ test: pgtypeslib/nan_test
  test: preproc/array_of_struct
  test: preproc/autoprep
  test: preproc/comment
diff -dcrpN pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/expected/pgtypeslib-nan_test.c pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/expected/pgtypeslib-nan_test.c
*** pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/expected/pgtypeslib-nan_test.c	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
--- pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/expected/pgtypeslib-nan_test.c	2010-02-02 15:22:01.000000000 +0100
*** 0 ****
--- 1,263 ----
+ /* Processed by ecpg (regression mode) */
+ /* These include files are added by the preprocessor */
+ #include <ecpglib.h>
+ #include <ecpgerrno.h>
+ #include <sqlca.h>
+ /* End of automatic include section */
+ #define ECPGdebug(X,Y) ECPGdebug((X)+100,(Y))
+ #line 1 "nan_test.pgc"
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <math.h>
+ #include <pgtypes_numeric.h>
+ #include <decimal.h>
+ #line 1 "regression.h"
+ #line 7 "nan_test.pgc"
+ int
+ main(void)
+ {
+ 	/* exec sql begin declare section */
+ #line 13 "nan_test.pgc"
+  int id ;
+ #line 14 "nan_test.pgc"
+  double d ;
+ #line 15 "nan_test.pgc"
+  numeric * num ;
+ #line 16 "nan_test.pgc"
+  char val [ 16 ] ;
+ /* exec sql end declare section */
+ #line 17 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 	ECPGdebug(1, stderr);
+ 	/* exec sql whenever sqlerror  do sqlprint ( ) ; */
+ #line 20 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 	{ ECPGconnect(__LINE__, 0, "regress1" , NULL, NULL , NULL, 0); 
+ #line 22 "nan_test.pgc"
+ if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) sqlprint ( );}
+ #line 22 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 	{ ECPGdo(__LINE__, 0, 1, NULL, 0, ECPGst_normal, "create table nantest1 ( id int4 , d float8 )", ECPGt_EOIT, ECPGt_EORT);
+ #line 24 "nan_test.pgc"
+ if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) sqlprint ( );}
+ #line 24 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 	{ ECPGdo(__LINE__, 0, 1, NULL, 0, ECPGst_normal, "insert into nantest1 ( id , d ) values ( 1 , 'nan' :: float8 ) , ( 2 , 'inf' :: float8 ) , ( 3 , '-inf' :: float8 )", ECPGt_EOIT, ECPGt_EORT);
+ #line 25 "nan_test.pgc"
+ if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) sqlprint ( );}
+ #line 25 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 	/* declare cur cursor for select id , d , d from nantest1 */
+ #line 27 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 	{ ECPGdo(__LINE__, 0, 1, NULL, 0, ECPGst_normal, "declare cur cursor for select id , d , d from nantest1", ECPGt_EOIT, ECPGt_EORT);
+ #line 28 "nan_test.pgc"
+ if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) sqlprint ( );}
+ #line 28 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 	while (1)
+ 	{
+ 		{ ECPGdo(__LINE__, 0, 1, NULL, 0, ECPGst_normal, "fetch from cur", ECPGt_EOIT, 
+ 	ECPGt_int,&(id),(long)1,(long)1,sizeof(int), 
+ 	ECPGt_double,&(d),(long)1,(long)1,sizeof(double), 
+ 	ECPGt_char,(val),(long)16,(long)1,(16)*sizeof(char), 
+ #line 31 "nan_test.pgc"
+ if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) sqlprint ( );}
+ #line 31 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 		if (sqlca.sqlcode)
+ 			break;
+ 		if (isinf(d))
+ 			printf("%d %sInf '%s'\n", id, (d < 0 ? "-" : "+"), val);
+ 		if (isnan(d))
+ 			printf("%d  NaN '%s'\n", id, val);
+ 		{ ECPGdo(__LINE__, 0, 1, NULL, 0, ECPGst_normal, "insert into nantest1 ( id , d ) values ( $1  + 3 , $2  )", 
+ 	ECPGt_int,&(id),(long)1,(long)1,sizeof(int), 
+ 	ECPGt_double,&(d),(long)1,(long)1,sizeof(double), 
+ #line 39 "nan_test.pgc"
+ if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) sqlprint ( );}
+ #line 39 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 		{ ECPGdo(__LINE__, 0, 1, NULL, 0, ECPGst_normal, "insert into nantest1 ( id , d ) values ( $1  + 6 , $2  )", 
+ 	ECPGt_int,&(id),(long)1,(long)1,sizeof(int), 
+ 	ECPGt_char,(val),(long)16,(long)1,(16)*sizeof(char), 
+ #line 40 "nan_test.pgc"
+ if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) sqlprint ( );}
+ #line 40 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 	}
+ 	{ ECPGdo(__LINE__, 0, 1, NULL, 0, ECPGst_normal, "close cur", ECPGt_EOIT, ECPGt_EORT);
+ #line 42 "nan_test.pgc"
+ if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) sqlprint ( );}
+ #line 42 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 	{ ECPGdo(__LINE__, 0, 1, NULL, 0, ECPGst_normal, "declare cur cursor for select id , d , d from nantest1", ECPGt_EOIT, ECPGt_EORT);
+ #line 44 "nan_test.pgc"
+ if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) sqlprint ( );}
+ #line 44 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 	while (1)
+ 	{
+ 		{ ECPGdo(__LINE__, 0, 1, NULL, 0, ECPGst_normal, "fetch from cur", ECPGt_EOIT, 
+ 	ECPGt_int,&(id),(long)1,(long)1,sizeof(int), 
+ 	ECPGt_double,&(d),(long)1,(long)1,sizeof(double), 
+ 	ECPGt_char,(val),(long)16,(long)1,(16)*sizeof(char), 
+ #line 47 "nan_test.pgc"
+ if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) sqlprint ( );}
+ #line 47 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 		if (sqlca.sqlcode)
+ 			break;
+ 		if (isinf(d))
+ 			printf("%d %sInf '%s'\n", id, (d < 0 ? "-" : "+"), val);
+ 		if (isnan(d))
+ 			printf("%d  NaN '%s'\n", id, val);
+ 	}
+ 	{ ECPGdo(__LINE__, 0, 1, NULL, 0, ECPGst_normal, "close cur", ECPGt_EOIT, ECPGt_EORT);
+ #line 55 "nan_test.pgc"
+ if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) sqlprint ( );}
+ #line 55 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 	num = PGTYPESnumeric_new();
+ 	{ ECPGdo(__LINE__, 0, 1, NULL, 0, ECPGst_normal, "create table nantest2 ( id int4 , d numeric )", ECPGt_EOIT, ECPGt_EORT);
+ #line 59 "nan_test.pgc"
+ if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) sqlprint ( );}
+ #line 59 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 	{ ECPGdo(__LINE__, 0, 1, NULL, 0, ECPGst_normal, "insert into nantest2 ( id , d ) values ( 4 , 'nan' :: numeric )", ECPGt_EOIT, ECPGt_EORT);
+ #line 60 "nan_test.pgc"
+ if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) sqlprint ( );}
+ #line 60 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 	{ ECPGdo(__LINE__, 0, 1, NULL, 0, ECPGst_normal, "select id , d , d from nantest2 where id = 4", ECPGt_EOIT, 
+ 	ECPGt_int,&(id),(long)1,(long)1,sizeof(int), 
+ 	ECPGt_numeric,&(num),(long)1,(long)0,sizeof(numeric), 
+ 	ECPGt_char,(val),(long)16,(long)1,(16)*sizeof(char), 
+ #line 62 "nan_test.pgc"
+ if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) sqlprint ( );}
+ #line 62 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 	printf("%d %s '%s'\n", id, (num->sign == NUMERIC_NAN ? "NaN" : "not NaN"), val);
+ 	{ ECPGdo(__LINE__, 0, 1, NULL, 0, ECPGst_normal, "insert into nantest2 ( id , d ) values ( 5 , $1  )", 
+ 	ECPGt_numeric,&(num),(long)1,(long)0,sizeof(numeric), 
+ #line 66 "nan_test.pgc"
+ if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) sqlprint ( );}
+ #line 66 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 	{ ECPGdo(__LINE__, 0, 1, NULL, 0, ECPGst_normal, "insert into nantest2 ( id , d ) values ( 6 , $1  )", 
+ 	ECPGt_char,(val),(long)16,(long)1,(16)*sizeof(char), 
+ #line 67 "nan_test.pgc"
+ if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) sqlprint ( );}
+ #line 67 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 	/* declare cur1 cursor for select id , d , d from nantest2 */
+ #line 69 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 	{ ECPGdo(__LINE__, 0, 1, NULL, 0, ECPGst_normal, "declare cur1 cursor for select id , d , d from nantest2", ECPGt_EOIT, ECPGt_EORT);
+ #line 70 "nan_test.pgc"
+ if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) sqlprint ( );}
+ #line 70 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 	while (1)
+ 	{
+ 		{ ECPGdo(__LINE__, 0, 1, NULL, 0, ECPGst_normal, "fetch from cur1", ECPGt_EOIT, 
+ 	ECPGt_int,&(id),(long)1,(long)1,sizeof(int), 
+ 	ECPGt_numeric,&(num),(long)1,(long)0,sizeof(numeric), 
+ 	ECPGt_char,(val),(long)16,(long)1,(16)*sizeof(char), 
+ #line 73 "nan_test.pgc"
+ if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) sqlprint ( );}
+ #line 73 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 		if (sqlca.sqlcode)
+ 			break;
+ 		printf("%d %s '%s'\n", id, (num->sign == NUMERIC_NAN ? "NaN" : "not NaN"), val);
+ 	}
+ 	{ ECPGdo(__LINE__, 0, 1, NULL, 0, ECPGst_normal, "close cur1", ECPGt_EOIT, ECPGt_EORT);
+ #line 78 "nan_test.pgc"
+ if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) sqlprint ( );}
+ #line 78 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 	{ ECPGtrans(__LINE__, NULL, "rollback");
+ #line 80 "nan_test.pgc"
+ if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) sqlprint ( );}
+ #line 80 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 	{ ECPGdisconnect(__LINE__, "CURRENT");
+ #line 81 "nan_test.pgc"
+ if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) sqlprint ( );}
+ #line 81 "nan_test.pgc"
+ 	return (0);
+ }
diff -dcrpN pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/expected/pgtypeslib-nan_test.stderr pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/expected/pgtypeslib-nan_test.stderr
*** pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/expected/pgtypeslib-nan_test.stderr	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
--- pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/expected/pgtypeslib-nan_test.stderr	2010-02-02 15:31:04.000000000 +0100
*** 0 ****
--- 1,360 ----
+ [NO_PID]: ECPGdebug: set to 1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ECPGconnect: opening database regress1 on <DEFAULT> port <DEFAULT>  
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 24: query: create table nantest1 ( id int4 , d float8 ); with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 24: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 24: OK: CREATE TABLE
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 25: query: insert into nantest1 ( id , d ) values ( 1 , 'nan' :: float8 ) , ( 2 , 'inf' :: float8 ) , ( 3 , '-inf' :: float8 ); with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 25: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 25: OK: INSERT 0 3
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 28: query: declare cur cursor for select id , d , d from nantest1; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 28: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 28: OK: DECLARE CURSOR
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 31: query: fetch from cur; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 31: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 31: correctly got 1 tuples with 3 fields
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 31: RESULT: 1 offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 31: RESULT: NaN offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 31: RESULT: NaN offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 39: query: insert into nantest1 ( id , d ) values ( $1  + 3 , $2  ); with 2 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 39: using PQexecParams
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: free_params on line 39: parameter 1 = 1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: free_params on line 39: parameter 2 = NaN
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 39: OK: INSERT 0 1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 40: query: insert into nantest1 ( id , d ) values ( $1  + 6 , $2  ); with 2 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 40: using PQexecParams
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: free_params on line 40: parameter 1 = 1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: free_params on line 40: parameter 2 = NaN
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 40: OK: INSERT 0 1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 31: query: fetch from cur; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 31: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 31: correctly got 1 tuples with 3 fields
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 31: RESULT: 2 offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 31: RESULT: Infinity offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 31: RESULT: Infinity offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 39: query: insert into nantest1 ( id , d ) values ( $1  + 3 , $2  ); with 2 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 39: using PQexecParams
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: free_params on line 39: parameter 1 = 2
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: free_params on line 39: parameter 2 = Infinity
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 39: OK: INSERT 0 1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 40: query: insert into nantest1 ( id , d ) values ( $1  + 6 , $2  ); with 2 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 40: using PQexecParams
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: free_params on line 40: parameter 1 = 2
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: free_params on line 40: parameter 2 = Infinity
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 40: OK: INSERT 0 1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 31: query: fetch from cur; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 31: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 31: correctly got 1 tuples with 3 fields
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 31: RESULT: 3 offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 31: RESULT: -Infinity offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 31: RESULT: -Infinity offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 39: query: insert into nantest1 ( id , d ) values ( $1  + 3 , $2  ); with 2 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 39: using PQexecParams
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: free_params on line 39: parameter 1 = 3
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: free_params on line 39: parameter 2 = -Infinity
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 39: OK: INSERT 0 1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 40: query: insert into nantest1 ( id , d ) values ( $1  + 6 , $2  ); with 2 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 40: using PQexecParams
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: free_params on line 40: parameter 1 = 3
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: free_params on line 40: parameter 2 = -Infinity
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 40: OK: INSERT 0 1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 31: query: fetch from cur; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 31: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 31: correctly got 0 tuples with 3 fields
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: raising sqlcode 100 on line 31: no data found on line 31
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 100, state: 02000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 42: query: close cur; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 42: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 42: OK: CLOSE CURSOR
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 44: query: declare cur cursor for select id , d , d from nantest1; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 44: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 44: OK: DECLARE CURSOR
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: query: fetch from cur; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: correctly got 1 tuples with 3 fields
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: 1 offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: NaN offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: NaN offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: query: fetch from cur; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: correctly got 1 tuples with 3 fields
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: 2 offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: Infinity offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: Infinity offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: query: fetch from cur; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: correctly got 1 tuples with 3 fields
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: 3 offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: -Infinity offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: -Infinity offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: query: fetch from cur; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: correctly got 1 tuples with 3 fields
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: 4 offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: NaN offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: NaN offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: query: fetch from cur; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: correctly got 1 tuples with 3 fields
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: 7 offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: NaN offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: NaN offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: query: fetch from cur; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: correctly got 1 tuples with 3 fields
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: 5 offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: Infinity offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: Infinity offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: query: fetch from cur; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: correctly got 1 tuples with 3 fields
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: 8 offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: Infinity offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: Infinity offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: query: fetch from cur; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: correctly got 1 tuples with 3 fields
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: 6 offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: -Infinity offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: -Infinity offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: query: fetch from cur; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: correctly got 1 tuples with 3 fields
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: 9 offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: -Infinity offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 47: RESULT: -Infinity offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: query: fetch from cur; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 47: correctly got 0 tuples with 3 fields
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: raising sqlcode 100 on line 47: no data found on line 47
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 100, state: 02000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 55: query: close cur; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 55: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 55: OK: CLOSE CURSOR
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 59: query: create table nantest2 ( id int4 , d numeric ); with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 59: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 59: OK: CREATE TABLE
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 60: query: insert into nantest2 ( id , d ) values ( 4 , 'nan' :: numeric ); with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 60: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 60: OK: INSERT 0 1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 62: query: select id , d , d from nantest2 where id = 4; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 62: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 62: correctly got 1 tuples with 3 fields
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 62: RESULT: 4 offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 62: RESULT: NaN offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 62: RESULT: NaN offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 66: query: insert into nantest2 ( id , d ) values ( 5 , $1  ); with 1 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 66: using PQexecParams
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: free_params on line 66: parameter 1 = NaN
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 66: OK: INSERT 0 1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 67: query: insert into nantest2 ( id , d ) values ( 6 , $1  ); with 1 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 67: using PQexecParams
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: free_params on line 67: parameter 1 = NaN
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 67: OK: INSERT 0 1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 70: query: declare cur1 cursor for select id , d , d from nantest2; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 70: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 70: OK: DECLARE CURSOR
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 73: query: fetch from cur1; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 73: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 73: correctly got 1 tuples with 3 fields
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 73: RESULT: 4 offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 73: RESULT: NaN offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 73: RESULT: NaN offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 73: query: fetch from cur1; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 73: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 73: correctly got 1 tuples with 3 fields
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 73: RESULT: 5 offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 73: RESULT: NaN offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 73: RESULT: NaN offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 73: query: fetch from cur1; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 73: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 73: correctly got 1 tuples with 3 fields
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 73: RESULT: 6 offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 73: RESULT: NaN offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_get_data on line 73: RESULT: NaN offset: -1; array: yes
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 73: query: fetch from cur1; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 73: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 73: correctly got 0 tuples with 3 fields
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: raising sqlcode 100 on line 73: no data found on line 73
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 100, state: 02000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 78: query: close cur1; with 0 parameter(s) on connection regress1
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 78: using PQexec
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_execute on line 78: OK: CLOSE CURSOR
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ECPGtrans on line 80: action "rollback"; connection "regress1"
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
+ [NO_PID]: ecpg_finish: connection regress1 closed
+ [NO_PID]: sqlca: code: 0, state: 00000
diff -dcrpN pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/expected/pgtypeslib-nan_test.stdout pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/expected/pgtypeslib-nan_test.stdout
*** pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/expected/pgtypeslib-nan_test.stdout	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
--- pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/expected/pgtypeslib-nan_test.stdout	2010-02-02 15:22:01.000000000 +0100
*** 0 ****
--- 1,16 ----
+ 1  NaN 'NaN'
+ 2 +Inf 'Infinity'
+ 3 -Inf '-Infinity'
+ 1  NaN 'NaN'
+ 2 +Inf 'Infinity'
+ 3 -Inf '-Infinity'
+ 4  NaN 'NaN'
+ 7  NaN 'NaN'
+ 5 +Inf 'Infinity'
+ 8 +Inf 'Infinity'
+ 6 -Inf '-Infinity'
+ 9 -Inf '-Infinity'
+ 4 NaN 'NaN'
+ 4 NaN 'NaN'
+ 5 NaN 'NaN'
+ 6 NaN 'NaN'
diff -dcrpN pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/expected/preproc-outofscope.c pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/expected/preproc-outofscope.c
*** pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/expected/preproc-outofscope.c	2010-01-29 17:35:57.000000000 +0100
--- pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/expected/preproc-outofscope.c	2010-02-02 15:22:01.000000000 +0100
*** 31,36 ****
--- 31,37 ----
  #define NUMERIC_POS						0x0000
  #define NUMERIC_NEG						0x4000
  #define NUMERIC_NAN						0xC000
+ #define NUMERIC_NULL						0xF000
  #define NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION			1000
diff -dcrpN pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/expected/sql-sqlda.c pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/expected/sql-sqlda.c
*** pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/expected/sql-sqlda.c	2010-01-06 19:06:44.000000000 +0100
--- pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/expected/sql-sqlda.c	2010-02-02 15:22:01.000000000 +0100
*************** typedef struct sqlda_struct	sqlda_t;
*** 53,58 ****
--- 53,59 ----
  #define NUMERIC_POS						0x0000
  #define NUMERIC_NEG						0x4000
  #define NUMERIC_NAN						0xC000
+ #define NUMERIC_NULL						0xF000
  #define NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION			1000
diff -dcrpN pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/pgtypeslib/Makefile pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/pgtypeslib/Makefile
*** pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/pgtypeslib/Makefile	2006-08-13 12:18:31.000000000 +0200
--- pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/pgtypeslib/Makefile	2010-02-02 15:22:01.000000000 +0100
*************** include $(top_srcdir)/$(subdir)/../Makef
*** 6,12 ****
  TESTS = dt_test dt_test.c \
          dt_test2 dt_test2.c \
          num_test num_test.c \
!         num_test2 num_test2.c
  all: $(TESTS)
--- 6,13 ----
  TESTS = dt_test dt_test.c \
          dt_test2 dt_test2.c \
          num_test num_test.c \
!         num_test2 num_test2.c \
!         nan_test nan_test.c
  all: $(TESTS)
diff -dcrpN pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/pgtypeslib/nan_test.pgc pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/pgtypeslib/nan_test.pgc
*** pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/pgtypeslib/nan_test.pgc	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
--- pgsql.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/pgtypeslib/nan_test.pgc	2010-02-02 15:22:01.000000000 +0100
*** 0 ****
--- 1,84 ----
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <math.h>
+ #include <pgtypes_numeric.h>
+ #include <decimal.h>
+ exec sql include ../regression;
+ int
+ main(void)
+ {
+ 	exec sql begin declare section;
+ 	int	id;
+ 	double	d;
+ 	numeric	*num;
+ 	char	val[16];
+ 	exec sql end declare section;
+ 	ECPGdebug(1, stderr);
+ 	exec sql whenever sqlerror do sqlprint();
+ 	exec sql connect to REGRESSDB1;
+ 	exec sql create table nantest1 (id int4, d float8);
+ 	exec sql insert into nantest1 (id, d) values (1, 'nan'::float8), (2, 'inf'::float8), (3, '-inf'::float8);
+ 	exec sql declare cur cursor for select id, d, d from nantest1;
+ 	exec sql open cur;
+ 	while (1)
+ 	{
+ 		exec sql fetch from cur into :id, :d, :val;
+ 		if (sqlca.sqlcode)
+ 			break;
+ 		if (isinf(d))
+ 			printf("%d %sInf '%s'\n", id, (d < 0 ? "-" : "+"), val);
+ 		if (isnan(d))
+ 			printf("%d  NaN '%s'\n", id, val);
+ 		exec sql insert into nantest1 (id, d) values (:id + 3, :d);
+ 		exec sql insert into nantest1 (id, d) values (:id + 6, :val);
+ 	}
+ 	exec sql close cur;
+ 	exec sql open cur;
+ 	while (1)
+ 	{
+ 		exec sql fetch from cur into :id, :d, :val;
+ 		if (sqlca.sqlcode)
+ 			break;
+ 		if (isinf(d))
+ 			printf("%d %sInf '%s'\n", id, (d < 0 ? "-" : "+"), val);
+ 		if (isnan(d))
+ 			printf("%d  NaN '%s'\n", id, val);
+ 	}
+ 	exec sql close cur;
+ 	num = PGTYPESnumeric_new();
+ 	exec sql create table nantest2 (id int4, d numeric);
+ 	exec sql insert into nantest2 (id, d) values (4, 'nan'::numeric);
+ 	exec sql select id, d, d into :id, :num, :val from nantest2 where id = 4;
+ 	printf("%d %s '%s'\n", id, (num->sign == NUMERIC_NAN ? "NaN" : "not NaN"), val);
+ 	exec sql insert into nantest2 (id, d) values (5, :num);
+ 	exec sql insert into nantest2 (id, d) values (6, :val);
+ 	exec sql declare cur1 cursor for select id, d, d from nantest2;
+ 	exec sql open cur1;
+ 	while (1)
+ 	{
+ 		exec sql fetch from cur1 into :id, :num, :val;
+ 		if (sqlca.sqlcode)
+ 			break;
+ 		printf("%d %s '%s'\n", id, (num->sign == NUMERIC_NAN ? "NaN" : "not NaN"), val);
+ 	}
+ 	exec sql close cur1;
+ 	exec sql rollback;
+ 	exec sql disconnect;
+ 	return (0);
+ }
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