Robert Haas <> writes:
> On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 11:28 AM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
>>        * A sends a message
>>        * B replies, cc'ing A and the list
>>        * B's reply to list is delayed by greylisting
>>        * A replies to B's reply (cc'ing list)
>>        * A's reply goes through immediately
>>        * B's reply shows up a bit later
>> That happens pretty frequently IME.

> Yeah - and sometimes the delay can be DAYS.

Greylisting wouldn't explain a delay of more than an hour or so.
OTOH, if B's reply got held for moderation for some reason, then
yeah it could be days :-(.  But in that case the rest of the list
didn't see it in real-time either, so having it show up out of
"logical" sequence in the archive doesn't seem like a terrible
reflection of reality.  I'm just concerned about the threading not
being sensitive to skews on the order of a few minutes --- those
are extremely common.

                        regards, tom lane

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