2010/1/15 Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com>:
> On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 6:54 AM, Pavel Stehule <pavel.steh...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>>> No longer applies, please rebase.
>> fixed, sorry

my idea was:

* string
   * escape_string
   * escape_ident
* bytea
   * escape_bytea

But I am not strong in it. Maybe this part of doc needs more love -
long time there are doc to deprecated functions. It could be moved.

> Hmm.  I think that pqEscapeIdentConn should be in a separate section
> of the documentation, entitled "Escaping Identifiers for Inclusion in
> SQL Commands".  Or else we should merge the existing sections
> "Escaping Strings for Inclusion in SQL Commands" and "Escaping Binary
> Strings for Inclusion in SQL Commands" and then put this in there too.
> On a perhaps-related note, does anyone understand why "Escaping
> Strings for Inclusion in SQL Commands" is formatted in a way that is
> needlessly inconsistent with the preceding and following sections?  I
> was surprised by the magnitude of the doc diff hunk in this patch, but
> when I looked at it it seems to read more clearly with these changes.
> I have yet to fully review the code but on a quick glance it looks reasonable.
> ...Robert

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