Bill Studenmund writes:
 > I think this patch is wrong. Wouldn't it be better to make the line number
 > in yylineno be correct? Also, there are users of the line number in pcg.l
 > which you didn't change.
 > Looking at it, I don't see why the line number is off. It is initialized
 > to 1 at the begining and whenever a new file is included. In the generated
 > code, it is incrimented whenever a '\n' is found. Strange...

The main reason I split the patch from the previous one for ecpg was
for this reason - I didn't think it was the correct patch myself.

However after a serious hunt for the root of the problem I've found
that it is actually working correctly in the 7.2 sources and I was
picking up an ecpg from a 7.1.3ish build (which only contained an ecpg
binary). Appologies for the false hunt!

For the record it was fixed in pgc.l 1.79 (meskes 13-Jun-01).

Regards, Lee.

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