Martijn van Oosterhout <> writes:
> I find it astonishing that after SE-PgSQL was implemented on top of a
> pluggable system (PGACE) and this system was removed at request of the
> "community" [1] that at this late phase people are suggesting it needs
> to be added back again. Havn't the goalposts been moved enough times?

The reason the goalposts keep moving is that nobody has a very clear
handle on what the requirements are, which stems from the lack of a
clear target community with definable needs.  We have had a couple of
apparently-knowledgeable people pop up and say "you should do this",
but then they disappear again without sticking around for any detailed
discussion of features (let alone code).

> (It seems we've gone from a patch that had been around for years
> solving actual people's problems to a patch which does barely anything
> and we don't know whether it solves anybodies problem).

Do we know that any version of this patch has solved any actual people's
problems?  I know KaiGai-san has been putting it out as a Fedora package
but there's little if any evidence that anyone's actually using that.

                        regards, tom lane

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