Hi, I was using auto_explain to log plans (with analyze option on) from queries that take more than 500ms, something i found i little odd is that the duration says 779ms but actual time says 269ms (almost 3 times lower), maybe some kind of instrumentation cleanup can explain this?
2009-11-10 10:32:41 GMTLOG: duration: 779.938 ms plan: Sort (cost=1943.99..1967.38 rows=9355 width=466) (actual time=235.655..269.061 rows=4997 loops=1) -- Atentamente, Jaime Casanova Soporte y capacitación de PostgreSQL AsesorÃa y desarrollo de sistemas Guayaquil - Ecuador Cel. +59387171157
2009-11-10 10:32:41 GMTLOG: duration: 779.938 ms plan: Sort (cost=1943.99..1967.38 rows=9355 width=466) (actual time=235.655..269.061 rows=4997 loops=1) Sort Key: (upper(ltrim((b.nombre)::text))) Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 3000kB -> Hash Left Join (cost=8.18..1326.95 rows=9355 width=466) (actual time=0.516..161.361 rows=4997 loops=1) Hash Cond: (CASE btrim((b.marca)::text) WHEN ''::text THEN NULL::bpchar ELSE b.marca END = c.codigo) -> Seq Scan on fcproduc b (cost=0.00..1130.73 rows=9355 width=216) (actual time=0.194..65.821 rows=4997 loops=1) Filter: (upper((nombre)::text) ~~ '%1%'::text) -> Hash (cost=8.16..8.16 rows=2 width=261) (actual time=0.153..0.153 rows=1 loops=1) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on dbtablas c (cost=3.27..8.16 rows=2 width=261) (actual time=0.125..0.129 rows=1 loops=1) Recheck Cond: (tipo = 'MAR'::bpchar) -> Bitmap Index Scan on dbtablas_pkey (cost=0.00..3.27 rows=2 width=0) (actual time=0.074..0.074 rows=1 loops=1) Index Cond: (tipo = 'MAR'::bpchar) 2009-11-10 10:32:41 GMTSTATEMENT: select b.codigo,b.nombre,b.ubicacion,b.grupo,b.P_IVA,b.PRECIO,b.PRECIO_2,b.PRECIO_3,b.PRECIO_4,b.PRECIO_5,c.nombre AS marca,b.codigo_a FROM fcproduc b LEFT OUTER JOIN dbtablas c ON c.codigo = case TRIM(b.marca) when '' then null else b.marca end and c.tipo = 'MAR' WHERE UPPER(b.NOMBRE) LIKE UPPER('%1%') order by UPPER(LTRIM(b.nombre))
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