Joshua D. Drake wrote:
On Thu, 2009-10-29 at 12:31 +0000, Thom Brown wrote:
2009/10/29 Andrew Dunstan <>:

Why not allow something like += or .= instead of the = to denote appending
to a list?

  custom_variable_classes += 'x'

seems a whole lot nicer to me.

I would see that as making the config more programatic so while that
might not look too weird to a developer, it could be confusing for a
DBA or system administrator.  I don't think that's how config files
should work, and it also adds gotchas like the following.

The DBAs I know would think we were absolutely off our rocker for such a
thing. At least it would make great humor at presentations.

The whole config file is a joke. We'd never do it the way we do if we were designing it from scratch, but we seem to be incapable of biting the bullet and replacing it with something sane, which is why I have ignored most of the current debate.



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