On Oct 24, 2009, at 4:01 PM, Dimitri Fontaine <dfonta...@hi-media.com> wrote:
Le 24 oct. 2009 à 20:10, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> a écrit :

I think the multiple files should go in $PGDATA/postgresql.conf.d

But the only way to solve the problem of
machine-parsing the config file is to remove the instructions (which
can only EVER be parsed by human beings) and put them somewhere else.

Not true. The problem we're trying to solve, methinks, is to be able to provide a kind of SET PERMANENT feature.

The easiest alternative for providing this given current conf file content style is to offer one file per GUC, where the first non comment line is supposed to contain the option value.

Now if you first load postresql.conf then files in postresql.conf.d, you did not change current behavior for $EDITOR people and made it easy to have SET PERSISTENT + free form comment.

I guess that would solve the problem of knowing which comment is associated with which setting, but it won't prevent SET PERSISTENT from falsifying a comment like "the previous value of this setting was 4MB, but I changed it on YYYY-MM-DD". Maybe we don't care about that, though.


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