At 17:09 28/10/01 +0200, you wrote:
>On Sun, Oct 28, 2001 at 02:34:49PM +0100, Jean-Michel POURE wrote:
> >
> > >psql uses your input literally - so is your console/xterm in
> > Client: \encoding returns 'UNICODE'.
> > Server: \list show databases. All databases are UNICODE (except TEMPLATE0
> > and TEMPLATE1 which are ASCII of course). I use a Mandrake 8.1 
> distribution
> > and think my console is UNICODE.
>You think?  Try this:
>         $ echo "accepté" | od -c
>If your term is in utf you should get:
>         0000000   a   c   c   e   p   t 303 251  \n
>         0000011
>If in iso-8859-1:
>         0000000   a   c   c   e   p   t 351  \n
>         0000010
>It may be in some other 8bit encoding too, then the last number
>may be different.
It is:
         0000000   a   c   c  e   p   t     é \n

>Hmm.  It may be a bug in input routines.  You give PostgreSQL a
>1byte 'é', it expects 2 byte char and overflows somewhere.  Can
>you reproduce it on 7.1.3?  Maybe its fixed there, I cant
>reproduce it.

I noticed some longer routines with "é" worked without any problem.
I cannot reproduce it as I converted my database to plain ASCII.
Will try UNICODE on 7.2 beta when adding Japanese text to my database.

Thank you very much for your help.
Best regards, Jean-Michel POURE

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