Robert Haas <> writes:
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 12:21 PM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
>> Another approach that was discussed earlier was to divvy the rows into
>> batches.  Say every thousand rows you sub-commit and start a new
>> subtransaction.  Up to that point you save aside the good rows somewhere
>> (maybe a tuplestore).  If you get a failure partway through a batch,
>> you start a new subtransaction and re-insert the batch's rows up to the
>> bad row.  This could be pretty awful in the worst case, but most of the
>> time it'd probably perform well.  You could imagine dynamically adapting
>> the batch size depending on how often errors occur ...

> Yeah, I think that's promising.  There is of course the possibility
> that a row which previously succeeded could fail the next time around,
> but most of the time that shouldn't happen, and it should be possible
> to code it so that it still behaves somewhat sanely if it does.

Actually, my thought was that failure to reinsert a previously good
tuple should cause us to abort the COPY altogether.  This is a
cheap-and-easy way of avoiding sorceror's apprentice syndrome.
Suppose the failures are coming from something like out of disk space,
transaction timeout, whatever ... a COPY that keeps on grinding no
matter what is *not* ideal.

                        regards, tom lane

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