I'm fresh in the code, but this has solved my issues with PQconnect* 
failing when interrupted by signals.  Some of it is sloppy and not to my 
liking yet, but I'm still digging through to see if anything else needs 
touched.  Comments appreciated.

Honestly, I'm a bit surprised that this issue hasn't been encountered 

    * changes to connect() sections to handle errno=EINTR.  this solves 
libpq PQconnect* family problems if the connect is interrupted by a 
signal such as SIGALRM.
    * not all read/recv/write/send calls have been updated


--- src/interfaces/libpq/fe-connect.c.orig      Wed Oct 24 17:43:52 2001
+++ src/interfaces/libpq/fe-connect.c   Wed Oct 24 17:43:54 2001
@@ -912,21 +912,35 @@
         * Thus, we have to make arrangements for all eventualities.
         * ----------
+       retry_socket:
        if (connect(conn->sock, &conn->raddr.sa, conn->raddr_len) < 0)
-               {
-                       /*
-                        * This is fine - we're in non-blocking mode, and the
-                        * connection is in progress.
-                        */
-                       conn->status = CONNECTION_STARTED;
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                       /* Something's gone wrong */
-                       connectFailureMessage(conn, SOCK_ERRNO);
-                       goto connect_errReturn;
+               switch (SOCK_ERRNO) {
+                       case EINTR:
+                               /*
+                                * interrupted by signal, keep trying
+                                */
+                                goto retry_socket;
+                                break;
+                       case 0:
+                       case EINPROGRESS:
+                       case EWOULDBLOCK:
+                               /*
+                                * This is fine - we're in non-blocking mode, and the
+                                * connection is in progress.
+                                */
+                               conn->status = CONNECTION_STARTED;
+                               break;
+                       default:
+                               /*
+                                * Something's gone wrong
+                                */
+                               connectFailureMessage(conn, SOCK_ERRNO);
+                               goto connect_errReturn;
+                               break;
@@ -2132,8 +2146,13 @@
                           "PQrequestCancel() -- socket() failed: ");
                goto cancel_errReturn;
-       if (connect(tmpsock, &conn->raddr.sa, conn->raddr_len) < 0)
+       while (connect(tmpsock, &conn->raddr.sa, conn->raddr_len) < 0)
+               /*
+                * interrupted by a signal
+                */
+               if(errno==EINTR)
+                       continue;
                           "PQrequestCancel() -- connect() failed: ");
                goto cancel_errReturn;

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