Roger Leigh <> writes:
>> C locale means POSIX behavior and nothing but.

> Indeed it does.  However, making LC_CTYPE be UTF-8 rather than
> ASCII is both possible and still strictly conforming to the
> letter of the standard.  There would be some collation and
> other restrictions ("digit" and other character classes would
> be contrained to the ASCII characters compared with other UTF-8
> locales). However, any existing programs using ASCII would continue
> to function without any changes to their behaviour.  The only
> observable change will be that nl_langinfo(CODESET) will return
> UTF-8, and it will be valid for programs to use UTF-8 encoded
> text in formatted print functions, etc..

I really, really don't believe that that meets either the letter or
the spirit of the C standard, at least not if you are intending to
silently substitute LC_CTYPE=UTF8 when the program has specified
C/POSIX locale.  (If this is just a matter of what the default
LANG environment is, of course you can do anything.)

                        regards, tom lane

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