Grzegorz Jaskiewicz wonderful static checker coughed up 5 errors in geo_ops.c. None of them of any particular excitement or of earth shattering nature. A patch is attached below that should correct these. (The more little issue we eliminate, the more the large ones will stand out.)
At line 3131 value stored into 'dist' variable is never referenced again. At line 3014 value stored into 'dist' variable is never referenced again. At line 2942 value stored into 'd' variable is never referenced again. At line 2953 value stored into 'd' variable is never referenced again. At line 2993 value stored into 'd' variable is never referenced again.
? patchfile_clang Index: src/backend/utils/adt/geo_ops.c =================================================================== RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/geo_ops.c,v retrieving revision 1.103 diff -c -r1.103 geo_ops.c *** src/backend/utils/adt/geo_ops.c 28 Jul 2009 09:47:59 -0000 1.103 --- src/backend/utils/adt/geo_ops.c 27 Aug 2009 09:31:30 -0000 *************** *** 2939,2945 **** memcpy(&point, &l1->p[1], sizeof(Point)); } ! if ((d = dist_ps_internal(&l2->p[0], l1)) < dist) { result = DatumGetPointP(DirectFunctionCall2(close_ps, PointPGetDatum(&l2->p[0]), --- 2939,2945 ---- memcpy(&point, &l1->p[1], sizeof(Point)); } ! if (dist_ps_internal(&l2->p[0], l1) < dist) { result = DatumGetPointP(DirectFunctionCall2(close_ps, PointPGetDatum(&l2->p[0]), *************** *** 2950,2956 **** LsegPGetDatum(l2))); } ! if ((d = dist_ps_internal(&l2->p[1], l1)) < dist) { result = DatumGetPointP(DirectFunctionCall2(close_ps, PointPGetDatum(&l2->p[1]), --- 2950,2956 ---- LsegPGetDatum(l2))); } ! if (dist_ps_internal(&l2->p[1], l1) < dist) { result = DatumGetPointP(DirectFunctionCall2(close_ps, PointPGetDatum(&l2->p[1]), *************** *** 2990,2996 **** point.x = box->low.x; point.y = box->high.y; statlseg_construct(&lseg, &box->low, &point); ! dist = d = dist_ps_internal(pt, &lseg); statlseg_construct(&seg, &box->high, &point); if ((d = dist_ps_internal(pt, &seg)) < dist) --- 2990,2996 ---- point.x = box->low.x; point.y = box->high.y; statlseg_construct(&lseg, &box->low, &point); ! dist = dist_ps_internal(pt, &lseg); statlseg_construct(&seg, &box->high, &point); if ((d = dist_ps_internal(pt, &seg)) < dist) *************** *** 3011,3017 **** statlseg_construct(&seg, &box->high, &point); if ((d = dist_ps_internal(pt, &seg)) < dist) { - dist = d; memcpy(&lseg, &seg, sizeof(lseg)); } --- 3011,3016 ---- *************** *** 3128,3134 **** statlseg_construct(&seg, &box->high, &point); if ((d = lseg_dt(lseg, &seg)) < dist) { - dist = d; memcpy(&bseg, &seg, sizeof(bseg)); } --- 3127,3132 ----
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