Greg Stark wrote:
On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 1:00 AM, Andrew Dunstan<> wrote:
Greg Stark wrote:
At least if it's all on one line
you can just not scroll to the right and see the rest of the query on
your screen.
This is where the confusion arises.

This is not possible on any terminal program I use - they don't scroll left
and right, they wrap, and the result in this case is horrible.

Well then you need a better terminal? Or you need to do your
programming in a text editor and not a terminal?

I use emacs in its own window. And it too line wraps, although that can be changed (I'm not a fan of line truncation mode, frankly). But I also like to be able to read the viewdef, and I like to be able to cut and paste it so it is sanely editable. And I'm not alone. If there are embedded newlines in the column def that might be annoying, but what we have now sucks majorly for anything but the most trivial of target lists.



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