Greg Stark <> writes:
> On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 6:11 PM, Grzegorz Jaskiewicz<> 
> wrote:
>> for a very positive one - at least from strict language point of view.
>> consider: float f = 100000000; f++; printf("%f\n", f);

> I believe the maximum value of the numbers involved here is the sample
> size which is currently capped at 10,000. But I'm not exactly sure.

No, the maximum value is somewhere around the maximum number of rows in
a table, which is on the rough order of 4e12, which is several orders of
magnitude below the threshold at which counting in a double becomes
inaccurate.  It is, however, above the point at which counting in an
int32 will overflow.  So the alternative would be to assume that we have
a working int64 data type, which doesn't strike me as an improvement
in the portability of the code.

                        regards, tom lane

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