On Wednesday 05 August 2009 06:00:19 David Fetter wrote:
> If I'm understanding you correctly, you're saying that pg_migrator (or
> whatever actually does this) needs to be an official PostgreSQL
> project in order for us to be able to require that people use it.  For
> what it's worth, I agree.
> Is it strictly necessary that its release cycles match exactly those
> of the database engine, or would it be OK for it to release as needed,
> not triggering a major PostgreSQL release?

Right now, anything is possible.  It mainly needs people to make something 
happen.  The current maintainers of pg_migrator are still focused on making 
the 8.3 -> 8.4 path working robustly.  And after that, they will likely take a 
long rest.  If people want pg_migrator to stay current with 8.5devel, they 
need to take it upon themselves to create repeatable tests and code up the 
necessary changes.  And then later if that turns out to be a viable 
undertaking, we can consider whether we merge pg_migrator and make updating it 
a requirement for any patch.

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