On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 8:53 AM, Dimitri Fontaine<dfonta...@hi-media.com> wrote:
> Oh and I see that "Returned with feedback" did set a "Close Date", so it's
> not what I intended anyway. I've changed the status to "Waiting on Author"
> and if we have no news before the end of current commit fest, I'll then move
> it to "Returned with feedback".
>  https://commitfest.postgresql.org/action/patch_view?id=99

Well, actually, that's a little too generous.  What happened last time
is that a number of people waited to do anything until they were told
"hey, we're closing the CommitFest" and then they all resubmitted at
once, which resulted in prolonging the CommitFest rather than bringing
it to a conclusion.  I think we need a rule that when a patch is
waiting on author, we give them 4 or 5 days to get back to us, and
then move it over to returned with feedback.  This isn't punishment:
it's right in keeping with the philosophy that the CommitFest is
intended to commit patches that are either done or need only minor
modifications, and it's necessary to make sure that the size of the
open patch queue decreases monotonically to zero so we can end the
reviewing effort and get back to the development effort.

But it sounds like "Waiting on author" is the right status for now,
and we will move it to returned with feedback if there is no update by
the end of the week.


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