2009/7/15 Andrew Dunstan <and...@dunslane.net>:
> Dimitri Fontaine wrote:
>> What I'm thinking about is to extend current "breadcumb" at the top of the
>> page to include chapter, section, subsection. So that for exemple the
>> following page:
>>  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/interactive/datatype-geometric.html#AEN5480
>> Would have at its top:
>>  Home → Documentation → Manuals → PostgreSQL 8.3 → Data Types → Geometric
>> Types → Points
> Yes, really. What you suggest here is just not adequate, IMNSHO. I don't
> want to have to scroll to the top or bottom of the page to get navigation,
> and I want to be able to see the navigation and go where I want directly.

Even if we are going to have some kind of tree-based navigation
sidebar beastie, I would be a hearty +1 in favour of doing Dmitri's
breadcrumb suggestion anyway.

I think we can agree that a full breadcrumb/ancestry trail is superior
to "Up/Home", and unlike the sidebar nav idea doesn't require any
fancy scripting shenanigans or possible browser compatibility strife.

> Compared with what things like doxygen or webhelp give you it's not remotely
> what I want.

So let's have both.


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