> Hi
> I saw in TODO
> *  Add XML interface: psql, pg_dump, COPY, separate server
> and there's some code for JDBC in contrib/retep directory.
> Are there any plans to add xml support to postgresql, to return
> rown in formatted in xml for start? not only from psql, but
> from everywhere (e.g. php)

I am (as time allows) adding to the xml under contrib/retep, but I don't know 
of anyone else working on it.

Adding xml support to psql shouldn't be too difficult (it has html support 
already), and there is the ResultSet->XML stuff under contrib/retep.


PostgreSQL JDBC Driver: http://www.retep.org.uk/postgres/
RetepPDF PDF library for Java: http://www.retep.org.uk/pdf/

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