
The ordering of the lexems was changed:

         * Convert 8.3 tsvector to 8.4
         * 8.3 sorts lexemes by its length and if lengths are the same then it 
         * alphabetic order;  8.4 sorts lexemes in lexicographical order, e.g.
         * =>  SELECT 'c bb aaa'::tsvector;
         *     tsvector
         * ----------------
         *  'aaa' 'bb' 'c'         -- 8.4
         *  'c' 'bb' 'aaa'         -- 8.3

What does that get us in terms of performance etc.?

Given that it's going to prevent users of Tsearch from upgrading-in-place, the format change ought to be giving us some serious gains. Otherwise we should put it off until we need to make other datatype changes.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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