Tom Lane wrote:
Gevik Babakhani <> writes:
I experimented with your example and noticed that pg_get_expr requires a
hack --- it insists on having a relation OID argument, because all
previous use-cases for it involved expressions that might possibly refer
to a particular table.  So you have to do something like

regression=# select pg_get_expr(proargdefaults,'pg_proc'::regclass) from 
pg_proc where proname='f13';
10, 'hello'::character varying, '2009-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time 
zone, 'comma here ,'::character varying
(1 row)

Unfortunately, there is no way to know to which argument(s) the values above belongs to.

The last ones --- you can only omit arguments from the right, so it
makes no sense to allow a nonconsecutive set of defaults.

                        regards, tom lane

Indeed. I did not see that earlier. Thank you.


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