After taking look at our monitoring system i think some hint about previous
SQL might be useful.

dba    db70    db_name    WARNING    1    long transactions, duration >
2690min user=postgres pid=7887 waiting=False query=<IDLE> in transaction

Currently i have no idea what exactly did i kill without digging in logs
which might have rotated anyway by now.


On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 6:37 PM, decibel <> wrote:

> On Mar 27, 2009, at 2:36 AM, Simon Riggs wrote:
>> Not really. I want to understand the actual problem with
>> idle-in-transaction so we can consider all ways to solve it, rather than
>> just focus on one method.
> I have to distinct problems with idle in transaction. One is reporting
> users / the tools they're using. I'll often find transactions that have been
> open for minutes or hours. But, that's not a big deal for me, because that's
> only impacting londiste slaves, and I have no problem just killing those
> backends.
> What does concern me is seeing idle in transaction from our web servers
> that lasts anything more than a few fractions of a second. Those cases worry
> me because I have to wonder if that's happening due to bad code. Right now I
> can't think of any way to figure out if that's the case other than a lot of
> complex logfile processing (assuming that would even work). But if I knew
> what the previous query was, I'd at least have half a chance to know what
> portion of the code was responsible, and could then look at the code to see
> if the idle state was expected or not.
> --
> Decibel!, aka Jim C. Nasby, Database Architect
> Give your computer some brain candy! Team #1828
> --
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