Gevik Babakhani <> writes:
> As I was working on my code generator app, I noticed that one is able to 
> create a function with multiple parameters with the same name.

I'm pretty sure this has come up before and we concluded that
prohibiting it in CREATE FUNCTION wasn't terribly exciting.  For
instance there is no compelling reason I shouldn't be able to define

create function sum(addend int, addend int) returns ...

In the context of plpgsql specifically, it might make sense to
disallow it.  I notice that plpgsql is pretty sloppy about other
cases of conflicting declarations:

regression=# create function foo() returns void as $$
regression$# declare 
regression$#   id int := 1;
regression$#   id text := 'foo';
regression$# begin
regression$#   raise notice '%', id;
regression$# end$$ language plpgsql;
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "id"
LINE 4:   id text := 'foo';

OK, failure is expected, but "syntax error"?

                        regards, tom lane

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