* After this new look at the code I think that matchPartialInPendingList
is completely broken.  Surely it's an infinite loop if the
comparePartial function returns -1.  I also don't understand why it

stops short of examining the tuple at maxoff, or for that matter why
it's doing any searching at all when the code that's calling it seems
to be implementing a binary search.  I think that part of the code
needs more testing and commenting.
Tuples of rows are stored in pending list in the same order as in entry tree
(order by (attrnum, Datum)). So, it's possible to use binary search. By test's
binary search presents about 5-15% of performance.

But heap's row could be one page or on several pages. If page contains
several rows, each row is checked separately and tuples of one heap row are
placed from pendingPosition->firstOffset up to pendingPosition->lastOffset.
The page is marked by GIN_LIST_FULLROW flag if it contains all tuples of row(s) or it's a last page in page's chain containing single heap row.

scanGetCandidate() always returns offset range for tuples of one heap row.
Although it may return NOT all tuples of row, if so then collectDatumForItem()
will ask scanGetCandidate() about next portion of tuples of that heap row. It's
safe because tuple's of one heap row are continuosly stored in pending list.

* In keyGetItem(), it's not at all clear what the assumptions are for
the contents of the entryRes[] array and for the interaction with a
LossyPage entry.  Is it intentional that you run through the array
comparing to a LossyPage key before deciding to exit the loop?  It
seems like that might be affecting the behavior at the next call,
but if so you're making some undocumented assumptions about the way
comparison of a lossy-page pointer is going to behave.  I thought it'd
be cleaner to move the ItemPointerIsLossyPage check up to before that
loop (right after the ItemPointerIsMax test) but the more I look at it
the less sure I am if that would break things.  That code needs more
commenting too.
entryRes[] array is used for two purposes:
- as an argument for consistentFn
- to store information about entries which was a minimal on previous
  call/loop. So, only that entries should be renewed by entryGetItem()
  call. Lossy page is encoded as ItemPointer with greatest offset (0xffff),
  so  keyGetItem() could return items from page and then return the same
  page as lossy. This is not a problem because of usage of TIDBitmap to
  callect all results.

So, algorithm of  keyGetItem could be described as:
1 renew all entries which is equal to previous result (entryGetItems returns them in increasing order)
2 find minimal entries
3 fill up  entryRes[] to new values and check lossy or call consistentFn

* I'd also like to come to some agreement about getting rid of the
fail-on-NULL-scankey problem in newScanKey().  As I noted in the
comment there, we could make that work cleanly if we are willing to
assume that all GIN-indexable operators are strict.  We already assume
the same for hash and btree operators, so it doesn't seem like a big
problem to do this, but I wonder if there are any objections.
Agree. I changed the GIN code, but don't know where is other places to change to fixate this agreement.

Teodor Sigaev                                   E-mail: teo...@sigaev.ru
                                                   WWW: http://www.sigaev.ru/

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