Robert Haas escribió:
> On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 1:40 PM, Alvaro Herrera
> <> wrote:
> > Robert Haas escribió:
> >> I don't even understand why we're interested in doing this.  If the
> >> patches weren't important enough for someone to add them to the
> >> CommitFest wiki in October, why are we delaying the release to hunt
> >> for them in March?
> > The problem is not patches that were not committed, but rather loose
> > ends in patches that were.
> There seems to be a reasonably well-maintained list of open items here:

Hey, dude, I pointed that URL in a followup to a message from you,
earlier today.

> Of course, if this list is radically incomplete, then it doesn't help
> much, but does anyone think that's the case?

We don't know -- Bruce's list may contain something, but since it's
hidden we can't do anything.  Maybe it is all already-completed items,
or redundant with the list on wiki, or maybe they're things that can be
postponed for 8.5.  No way to tell.

My guess is that Bruce's queue contains a reasonably small number of
minor fixups that need to happen before release.

Alvaro Herrera                      
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

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