Tom Lane wrote:
Gregory Stark <> writes:
So has anyone here done any experiments with live systems with different block
sizes? What were your experiences?

Mark tested this back in the OSDL days. His findings on DBT2 was that the right *combination* of OS and PG blocksizes gave up to a 5% performance increase, I think. Hardly enough to make it worth the headache of running with non-default PG and non-deafault Linux block sizes, especially since the wrong combination resulted in a decrease in performance, sometimes dramatically so.

However, at Greenplum I remember determining that larger PG block sizes, if matched with larger filesystem block sizes did significantly help on performance of data warehouses which do a lot of seq scans -- but that our ceiling of 32K was still too small to really make this work. I don't have the figures for that, though; Luke reading this?


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